Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association

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STP serves as Division 2 of the American Psychological Association (APA).  You do not have to be a member of APA to join STP.  STP adheres to APA’s Privacy Policies with respect to membership data. 

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Why join or renew?

STP members receive the following benefits:

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How much does STP membership cost, and for how long?

  • STP MEMBERSHIPS ARE FOR A CALENDAR YEAR (January 1 through December 31). 
    • Dues paid before July 1 are retroactive to January 1 of the current year.
    • Dues paid from July 1 through December 31 will apply to membership in the following year. You will receive complimentary online access to ToP and other members-only pages on STP's website for the remainder of the current year through your membership year. 

  • PAY THE LOWEST DUES FOR WHICH YOU QUALIFY (United Kingdom residents may claim tax relief)
    • Psychology teachers (and support staff): $35
    • Graduate students or undergraduate students: $20
    • Postdocs: $20
    • Retirees: $20
    • Special rate for members who reside in countries that are NOT classified as "High Income Economies" by the World Bank: $5 (Check here to see if your country of residence qualifies.) 
    We do not offer institutional memberships, so please register with the member's first and last name.

  • TO JOIN STP, visit here: 

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I'm already an APA teacher member or TOPSS member.  Does that mean I'm also an STP member?

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How do I join STP (APA Division 2)?

Anyone may join STP (APA Division 2)(United Kingdom residents may claim tax relief)

There are two ways to join STP:

  • Click here to join and pay online.  You will receive immediate access to members-only benefits as soon as your payment is accepted.  If you experience difficulties joining, contact
  • Members of the Association for Psychological Science may join STP by purchasing a journal subscription to Teaching of Psychology on the APS website.  Your subscription will include STP membership. Please note that you may experience a 2-3 week delay in receiving members-only benefits; if you need immediate access, please send the email confirmation of your payment to

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How do I renew in STP?  

There are several ways to renew.  (United Kingdom residents may claim tax relief)

Please avoid renewing more than once for the same membership year.

  • Non-members of APA may renew by visiting their STP Membership Profile page (requires login). Look for the "Renew to 01 Jan [YYYY]" button.
  • PLEASE NOTE:  If your membership has lapsed (i.e., if you did not pay dues before February 1 of the current year), you will need to re-join STP.
    Please login first so that your renewal is associated with the email that we have on record for you. This will help you avoid receiving renewal notices to one of your other email accounts.
    After you login, visit and follow the instructions for for joining STP.

  • Members of the Association for Psychological Science (APS) who are not APA members may renew by following the instructions for non-members of APA above. This is most direct way to renew and provides immediate access to online member benefits.
    Alternately, APS members may join or renew by
    purchasing a journal subscription to Teaching of Psychology on the APS website.  Your subscription will include STP membership. PLEASE NOTE: You may experience a 2-3 week delay in receiving online members-only benefits if you join or renew through APS.  If you need immediate access, please send the email confirmation of your payment to

  • APA members and APA fellows 
    will receive an email notice  from APA to renew their division(s) with a personalized link to renew online.  APA members may also login to
     MyAPA to renew in Division 2.  After you login, click on the link to "Renew your division or journal subscriptions" (see image at right).
    PLEASE NOTE:  These instructions do not apply to all APA membership categories; see below for the exceptions.

  • APA student members, TOPSS members, APA teacher members and APA international members will receive renewal notices via email directly from STP or may renew by following the instructions for non-members of APA above.

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How do I pay for multiple or gift memberships?

Contact for assistance.

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How do I check the status of my STP membership?

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How do I update my name, email, or mailing address?

  • Visit your STP Membership Profile Page or contact
  • APA Members and APS Members: Please update your STP Membership Profile Page and your membership records on the APA or APS website (or both) so that your name, email, and mailing address are consistent across these organizations.
    APA MEMBERS:  Login to MyAPA and click on the "APA PROFILE" link the the leftmost column.
    APS MEMBERS:  Login to the APS website and click on "My Profile > Account > Contact Info > Email Addresses"
  • If you are subscribed to any of STP's Listservs, you may update your email address by visiting here

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Whom should I contact if I have a question?

 HM Revenue & Customs (United Kingdom) approved STP as a professional body for tax relief. STP members residing in the United Kingdom may claim tax relief for their membership dues.  Please note that STP is listed on their site as “Teaching of Psychology Association for the”.

If you are an STP member residing in a country that provides tax relief for membership dues, please email and provide a link for the application process.

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