SoTL Workshop
Only current STP members may apply for this workshop. This page was last updated on January 17, 2025.
For questions or more information, contact the Associate Director, SoTL Mentoring Workshop, at
Applications due May 31, 2025 (link appears in a boldfaced paragraph below)
Timeline for Selected Participants
June: attend a 1-hour virtual workshop to learn more about the program and expectations.
July - October: regular 1:1 virtual meetings with your assignment mentor.
October 16 - 18, 2025: Prioritize being able to attend ACT in Minneapolis, MN to participate in multiple group and 1:1 sessions.*
February 2026: Select 1 of 2 virtual sessions to share what progress you have made with your SoTL project.
* In the spirit of equity and accessibility, a limited number of participants can participate in the program without attending ACT in Minneapolis.
The SoTL Workshop will be offered in conjunction with the 2025 STP Annual Teaching Conference (ACT). We hope that the majority of workshop participants will attend during the ACT: On Location in-person conference, to be held October 16-18th, 2025 in Minneaplis, MN. A limited number of participants might be attending only during ACT: Online virtual conference component, which will likely be held in February 2026.
SoTL Workshop on the Scholarship of Teaching and LearningThe Society for the Teaching of Psychology announces the annual STP SoTL Workshop, now with two delivery options. Consistent with our Mission Statement and the Statement on Addressing Systemic Racism and Inequity in STP (located in the STP Policies and Procedures Manual), we encourage applications from colleagues who are from underrepresented groups and have diverse backgrounds and experiences.
SoTL is defined as methodologically rigorous scholarly work conducted to enhance teaching and advance learning, ideally resulting in peer-reviewed products made public. We invite applications from faculty and graduate students who would like to accomplish developing and/or writing a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) project.
The Workshop will allow small groups of faculty/graduate student members to receive guidance on SoTL research from an experienced mentor and consult with both statistical and publication experts. Each participant will be placed with a mentor and a team of 3-4 peers. The mentor will support participants through the research process, which may include discussing ideas or analyzing, outlining, and writing a final product. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the research on teaching and learning. Participants gain support in how to design a study, analyze learning data, and/or writing a complete manuscript. Mentors work with their teams virtually starting this Summer to prepare first for the Workshop during the ACT Conference in October, followed by a Zoom meeting in February.
If you are interested in being considered for the SoTL Workshop, please complete the application online using the link below before May 31. To apply, click here (requires login; you may need to refresh that page if you do not see the application form).
* = Undergraduate student author; ** = Graduate student author
Addicks, S. H., Hughes-Scalise, A., Keeley, J. (2025, January). Re-imagining pedagogy for ourselves, our students, and our future: Implementing culturally-responsive teaching practices in graduate training. [Poster presentation]. National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology, New Orleans, LA, United States.
Addicks, S. H., Hughes-Scalise, A., & Keeley, J. (2024, February). Development and implementation of a multi-dimensional teaching evaluation process for Teaching Assistants in the graduate Cognitive Assessment Course. [Poster presentation]. Annual Conference on Teaching Online—Society for the Teaching of Psychology, virtual presentation.
Addicks, S. H., & Hughes-Scalise, A. (2024, January). Development of an anti-racist pedagogy and leadership program for Teaching Assistants in Cognitive Assessment. [Poster presentation]. National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology, Denver, CO, United States.
Bitzan, L., Blommel, C., Sarioglan, Z., & Woodward, A.M. (2024, February). Students perceptions of using R and Hand Calculations. Poster to be presented at the Virtual Annual Conference on Teaching, Virtual
Cameron, E.C.*, Peterson, M.L.**, & Xu, X. (2024, March 13). Mentorship matters: Wisdom and insights from a qualitative analysis of the PsychSessions Podcast Mentoring Series. [Oral presentation]. ISU Research and Creative Scholarship Symposium. Pocatello, ID.
Peterson, M.L.**, Cameron, E.C.*, Christensen, A.A.*, & Xu, X. (2023, October 6). Wisdom and insights from expert mentors: A qualitative analysis of the PsychSessions Podcast Mentoring Series. [Poster presentation]. The Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s Annual Conference on Teaching. Portland, OR.
Woodward, A.M., Bitzan, L., Rineman, R., Blommel, C., & Sarioglan,.Z (2023, October 6). Does method matter? The relationship between calculation method and student learning. Poster presented at the Annual Conference on Teaching, Portland, OR.
Woodward, A.M. (2023). Does method matter? Examining student learning with R and Hand calculations. PsycTerms, virtual. (this talk won an award! )
Xu, X. & Peterson, M.** (2022, October 21). A qualitative analysis of mentoring themes and insights from the PsychSessions podcast. [Poster presentation]. Society for the Teaching of Psychology Annual Conference on Teaching. Pittsburgh, PA.