Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association

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  • Grants/Awards

STP's Grants and Awards Programs
(includes deadlines for recognition and mentoring programs)

The text below was updated June 28, 2024. 

The Society for the Teaching of Psychology offers several categories of grants, awards, and recognition that support our mission of promoting excellence in the teaching and learning of psychology; advancing the scholarship of teaching and learning; advocating for the needs of teachers of psychology; promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within the teaching and learning of psychology; fostering partnerships across academic settings; and increasing recognition of the value of the teaching profession.

Consistent with our Mission Statement and the Statement on Addressing Systemic Racism and Inequity in STP, we encourage applications from colleagues who are from underrepresented groups and have diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Policies regarding STP award and grant programs can be found here.

 Annual Deadline  STP Grant/Award/Recognition/Mentoring Program
 January 15  Excellence in Teaching Awards 
 Robert S. Daniel Teaching Excellence Award (4 Year College or University)
 Wayne Weiten Teaching Excellence Award (2 Year College Award)
 Mary Margaret Moffett Memorial Teaching Excellence Award (High School)
 Jane S. Halonen Teaching Excellence Award (Early Career)
 Wilbert J. McKeachie Teaching Excellence Award (Graduate Students)
 Adjunct Faculty Teaching Excellence Award
 January 15  International Travel Grants
 February 1  Instructional Resource Grants
 February 1  Promoting Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Award
 February 10  Civic Engagement Award
 February 15  Mentorship of Teachers Award
 April 1  Keynote Presenter Grants (additional annual deadline: October 1)
 May 1  Early Career Travel Grants  (additional annual deadline: November 1)
 May 31  Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Workshop
 June 15  Graduate Student Travel Grants
 August 15  Mentoring Program (applications for Mentors and Mentees)
 October 1  Keynote Presenter Grants  (additional annual deadline: April 1)
 November 1  Early Career Travel Grants  (additional annual deadline: May 1)
 November 1  Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research Grants
 November 1  Promoting Partnerships Small Grants
 December 31  APA Division 2 (STP) Fellows 
 (Membership category; Must be an APA Member of STP to apply)
Sunsetted program Projects or Sponsorship Requests (discontinued by vote of the Executive Committee, October 20, 2022)

Awards and Recognition

The Society annually presents several Excellence in Teaching Awards  (deadline, January 15).  Recipients are recognized during a ceremony at STP’s Annual Conference on Teaching. Travel funds are available if the winner does not have travel funding from other sources.   These awards are:

The STP Award for Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (deadline, February 1) recognizes diversity as inclusive of perspectives and experiences of minoritized groups who are often underrepresented in the field of psychology, including, but not limited to, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability status, social class, race/ethnicity, and immigration status. The goal of this award is to recognize teachers of psychology for a variety of educational and academic activities that serve to develop cultural consciousness and inclusion.

STP's Civic Engagement Award (deadline, February 10), consistent with APA's Citizen Psychologist initiative, recognizes leadership and engagement in applying psychological science to make a difference in communities at the local, national, or global level. This could be done directly through community involvement or indirectly by incorporating civic-engagement pedagogies (e.g., service-learning) into teaching.

STP's Mentorship of Teachers Award (deadline, February 15) recognizes various forms of mentoring of teachers, including sharing knowledge and expertise, providing support and encouragement, offering feedback on performance, helping to identify opportunities and resources, and serving as a professional role model. The mentorship award, which honors those who mentor teachers, is distinct from the Excellence in Teaching Awards, some of which recognize mentoring of student professional development. The award is not limited to mentoring teachers of psychology, but may include mentoring of teachers in other disciplines.

If you are an APA member of STP, you may apply for status as an APA Division 2 Fellow (deadline: December 31).

Grants Opportunities

STP gives away thousands of dollars each year in grants. Members can apply for funds to develop teaching-related resources, bring in speakers, travel to conferences, and conduct SoTL research.

Travel Grants

There are also several categories of travel grants to support attendance at psychology teaching conferences or conferences with a significant teaching of psychology component, with categories for international travel (deadline: January 15), early career (deadlines: May 1 and November 1), and graduate students (deadline: June 15).

The Keynote Presenter Grant Program (deadlines: April 1 and October 1) provides support to teaching conferences or pre-conferences to fund presenters related to the teaching of psychology, and is open to any gathering of psychology teachers from 4-year colleges and universities, 2-year colleges, or high schools.

Research, Project, and Partnership Grants

STP’s Promoting Partnerships Small Grant Program (deadline: November 1) provides funding to promote communication and collaboration between psychology teachers from different institutions. The program is intended to bring together individuals to engage in planned activities to promote the teaching of psychology, or to work together to think about the ways in which the teaching of psychology can be improved.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Research Grants (deadline: November 1) provide financial support to researchers for projects that have a high probability of producing a product that will be presented and/or published in a peer-reviewed outlet in a timely matter. Projects in any phase of development are eligible for funding.

Instructional Resource Grants (deadline: February 1) support substantive research projects related to the teaching of psychology suitable for posting on the STP website as a teaching resource, or for publication in the Teaching of Psychology or another SoTL journal. Projects may be general in focus or specific to a particular course or population. The purpose of these awards is to stimulate the development of teaching resource materials, and to encourage instructional research relevant to the teaching of psychology at the university, college, community college, or high school level.

Mentoring Programs

STP's Mentoring Program (deadline for mentors and mentees: August 15) provides mentees with career-related assistance to enhance their performance and job satisfaction throughout their academic careers. In addition, we hope that mentors will benefit from developing their mentoring skills or learning about a new topic from engagement with their mentee.

The Society also hosts an annual Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Workshop (deadline: May 31) held concurrently during the Annual Conference on Teaching, for faculty and graduate students who would like to accomplish developing and/or writing a SoTL project. Participants receive guidance from an experienced mentor and consult with both statistical and publication experts. The ultimate goal is to contribute to research on teaching and learning, and participants gain support in how to design a study, analyze learning data, and/or writing a complete manuscript.

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STP had supported projects or sponsorships (sunsetted program) that 1) do not fall within existing grant or programming categories, or 2) do fit within an existing grant or programming category but exceed the maximum funding amount. This program allowed members of STP to propose new projects or ideas that would help to further the mission and aims of the Society but are not a part of the Society’s currently available programming or grants. Note:  The Executive Committee voted on October 20, 2022 to discontinue this funding program.

STP had supported a high school teacher travel grant, but voted to sunset that program on October 28, 2024, because the program received very few applicants each year.

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