Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association



STP hosts its Annual Conference on Teaching  (ACT) each year, typically in October.  ACT includes both face-to-face and online asynchronous content so that all teachers of psychology may participate and benefit from the presentations.  Attendees must be members of ACT to register for STP; registered attendees may invite guests to attend the conference who may register at a nonmember rate.


In addition to hosting ACT annually, STP supports programming on the teaching of psychology at a variety of regional, national, and international conferences.

STP-supported programming at National Conferences

  • American Psychological Association (APA).  STP serves as APA Division 2 and offers invited speakers, symposia, skill-building sessions, and poster presentations during APA's annual convention.  In addition, the STP Lecture Selection Committee collaborates with the APA Education Directorate to select invited speakers to deliver the APA Distinguished Scholar Lectures for Teaching and the Harry Kirke Wolfe Lecture.  STP also co-sponsors programming with other divisions and with other APA groups (e.g., Board of Educational Affairs, Committee on Associate and Baccalaureate Education, Psi Beta, Psi Chi, Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools).  

  • Association for Psychological Science (APS). The Society for the Teaching of Psychology sponsors two teaching focused presentations occurring annually at the APS Convention. These presentations are designed to provide APS attendees with opportunities to reflect on and apply ideas to their teaching practice. The Vice President for Programming coordinates with APS on these programs.

  • National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (NITOP).  The Director for STP Programming at NITOP assists NITOP in organizing a pre-conference teaching workshop and a guest speaker.

  • Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP).  The Director for STP Programming at SPSP coordinates an annual preconference on the teaching of social and personality psychology, which includes posters and single presenter talks.

  •  Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD).  The Director for STP Programming at SRCD coordinates the Teaching Institute that precedes each SRCD biennial meeting.

STP-supported programming at International Conferences

The Director for STP Programming at International Conferences coordinates STP-sponsored programming at international conferences on the teaching of psychology, such as the Biennial International Seminar on the Teaching of Psychological Science (BISTOPS), the European Federation of Psychology Teachers' Associations (EFPTA) Conference, and the European Society for Psychology Learning and Teaching (ESPLAT) Conference.

STP-supported programming at Regional Conferences

TheDirector for STP Programming at Regional Conferences works with each of the regional psychological associations in the United States to select a coordinator for programming on the teaching of psychology at each regional conference. STP provides travel support to a speaker each year at each of the following conferences:

  • Eastern Psychological Association (EPA)
  • Midwestern Psychology Association (MPA)
  • New England Psychological Association (NEPA)
  • Rocky Mountain Psychological Association (RMPA)
  • Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA)
  • Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA)
  • Western Psychological Association (WPA)
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