Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association

Member Benefits

The Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2) is the first and largest national organization representing the interests of teachers of psychology. Among our members are faculty, staff, and student teaching assistants in secondary schools, community and technical colleges, 4-year colleges and universities, and graduate schools. Membership is open to all who are interested in the teaching of psychology, whether or not you are a member of APA.

Members who login to the web site are provided:

To meet the needs of psychology teachers, the Society for the Teaching of Psychology:

  • Publishes Teaching of Psychology, a quarterly journal devoted to the improvement of teaching and learning. 
    Members of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology receive online access to the journal as part of their membership, including online access to all past issues and "Online First" articles.

Go to the "How To Join" page to see details for joining the Society for the Teaching of Psychology

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