Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association

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International Psychology

This resource includes books, chapters, articles, and other materials related to the internationalization of the psychology curriculum. The resource is organized topically as follows: Cognitive, Developmental, General Cross-Cultural, General International, Global Issues, Health, History, Industrial/Organizational, Intergroup Relations, Introductory, Mental Health and Clinical, Psychology and Law, School, Social, Teaching, Women, and additional resources.


Cole, M., & Cagigas, X. E. (2010). Cognition. In M. H. Bornstein (Ed.). Handbook of cultural developmental science  (pp. 127-142). New York, NY: Psychology Press.

This chapter examines the role of culture in the process of cognitive development. 

Denis, M. (1998). The place and role of psychology in cognitive science: An international survey. International Journal of Psychology, 33, 377–395.

Based on an international survey of psychological society members from 31 countries. Highlights the reasons that psychology is uniquely poised to play a central role in cognitive science research around the world.

Keller, H. (2011). Culture and cognition: Developmental perspectives. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 10(1), 3-8. doi:10.1891/1945-8959.10.1.3

This article describes trends in cross-cultural research on cognitive processes and, using Piagetian theory as an example, reviews findings on the role of cultural context in abstract, analytical competences.

Pandey, J. (Ed.). (2000). Psychology in India revisited—Developments in the discipline: Vol. 1: Physiological foundation and human cognition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Review of the recent psychological research in India related to animal behavior, physiological psychology, learning and memory, intelligence and cognition, and language.

Schulze, R., & Roberts, R. D. (Eds.). (2005). Emotional intelligence: An international handbook. Ashland, OH: Hogrefe & Huber.

Examines research from around the globe concerning emotional intelligence. Text includes sections on background information and ideas, theoretical perspectives, measurement, application, and an integrative conclusion.

Sternberg, R. J., (Ed.). (2004). International handbook of intelligence. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Noted scholars from around the globe discuss the nature of intelligence, various theoretical perspectives, research concerning intelligence, and assessment.

Sternberg, R. J. (2007). Cultural concepts of giftedness. Roeper Review: A Journal on Gifted Education, 29(3), 160-165. doi:10.1080/02783190709554404

This article discusses the cultural context in which children are identified as gifted and implications of this for children’s participation in giftedness programs.  

Sternberg, R. J. (2007). Intelligence and culture.  In S. Kitayama, & D. Cohen (Eds.). Handbook of cultural psychology (pp. 547-568).  New York, NY: Guilford Press.

This chapter explores the relationship between culture and intelligence.  The author defines major concepts, presents  models of the relationship between culture and intelligence,  describes studies investigating various issues relating culture to intelligence, and evaluates the potential for  "culture-fair" testing.

Sternberg, R. J., & Grigorenko, E. L. (2008). Ability testing across cultures. In Suzuki L. A., & Ponterotto J. G. (Eds.), Ability testing across cultures (pp. 449-470). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

This chapter addresses ability testing in a multicultural context, including transportability issues and universal and culture-specific aspects of intelligence.

Yang, H. (2007). Cognitive implications of culture. Psychological Science (China), 30(4), 1002-1005.

Reviews cross-cultural variation in cognitive processes, including perception, face recognition, memory and thinking. Methods used to investigate cultural influences on cognitive processes are also discussed. 


Apfel, R. J., & Bennett, S. (Eds.). (1996). Minefields in their hearts: The mental health of children in war and communal violence. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

The text examines the impact of war on children and includes discussion of intervention, treatment, ethical concerns, refugee issues, and care for the caregiver.

Bekman S., Aksu-Koç A., & Smith, M. B. (Eds.), (2009).  Perspectives on human development, family, and culture. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.  doi:10.1017/CBO9780511720437

This collection of essays was produced to honor the retirement of renowned cross-cultural psychologist, Çiğdem Kağitçıbaşı.   Chapters by cross-cultural scholars apply indigenous, cultural, and cross-cultural perspectives. With a focus on Turkish culture, chapters examine the impact of social change on family structure, child development, and gender roles, and outline culturally appropriate interventions.

Bennett, J., & Grimley, L. K. (2000). Parenting in the global community: A cross-cultural/international perspective. In M. J. Fine & S. W. Lee (Eds.), Handbook of diversity in parent education: The changing faces of parenting and parent education (pp. 97–132). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Examines parenting within the context of culture and global environment as well as a discussion of parenting programs in countries ranging from France to the Philippines.

Boukydis, C. F. Z. (2000). Support services and peer support for parents of at-risk infants: An international perspective. Children's Health Care, 29, 129–145.

Discusses an international survey of support services and peer self-help programs for families with infants in neonatal care. Examines the similarities and differences between these programs and impact on outcomes.

Brown, B. B., Larson, R. W., & Saraswathi, T. S. (Eds.). (2002). The world’s youth: Adolescence in eight regions of the globe. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Examines adolescence and issues such as family, peers, schooling, and other topics and how these vary around the globe.

Cheng, S. –T., & Heller, K. (2009). Global aging: Challenges for community psychology. American Journal of Community Psychology, 44(1-2), 161-173.

This article focuses in the role of community psychology in light of global trends toward an aging demographic within the context of negative age stereotypes.  The authors highlight the United Nations Program on Aging, which uses concepts compatible with community psychology in order to structure its policy recommendations.

Chun, K. M., Balls-Organista, P., & Marin, G. (Eds.). (2002). Acculturation: Advances in theory, measurement, and applied research. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

This advanced text is a collection of theoretical and research articles by more than 50 international scholars concerning the study of human development from a cross-cultural perspective. The volume is divided into nine sections emphasizing historical and theoretical concerns, methodology, particular periods of the life span, and cognitive-developmental topics.

Cohn, J. (1998). Violations of human rights in children and adolescents. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 10, 185–192.

The author discusses a range of human rights violations against children around the globe.

Comunian, A. C., & Gielen, U. P. (Eds.). (2000). International perspectives on human development. Lengerich, Germany: Pabst Science.

This advanced research-based text examines human development from a cross-cultural perspective.

Cramer-Azima, F. J., & Grizenko, N. (Eds.). (2002). Immigrant and refugee children and their families: Clinical, research, and training issues. Madison, CT: International Universities Press.

This advanced text examines a range of issues for immigrants and refugee children from health risks to challenges with adaptation to new cultures.

Denmark, F. L., Krauss, H. H., Wesner, R. W., Midlarsky, E., & Gielen, U. P. (Eds.). (2005). Violence in the schools: A cross-cultural and cross-national perspective. New York: Springer.

Examines issues of school violence, from physical to structural forms of violence, from an international perspective and examines programs designed to counteract such violence.

Diener, E., & Suh, M. E. (1998). Subjective well-being and age: An international analysis. In K. W. Schaie & M. P. Lawton (Eds.), Annual review of gerontology and geriatrics: Vol. 17, Focus on emotion and adult development (pp. 304–324). New York: Springer.

This chapter reviews several large-scale international studies of subjective well-being and age.

Fitzgerald, H. E., Johnson, R. B., Van Egeren, L. A., Castellino, D. R., & Johnson, C. B. (Eds.). (1999). Infancy and culture: An international review and source book. New York: Garland.

This annotated guide to the research literature focuses on infants of color cataloged by geographic region and topic.

Gardiner, H. W., & Kosmitzki, C. (2010). Lives across cultures: Cross-cultural human development (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:  Prentice-Hall.

This text presents classic and contemporary research on the cross-cultural study of human development across the lifespan. Includes such topics as cultural aspects of physical growth and development; culture and cognition; culture, self, and personality; and culture issues of sex and gender.

Geltman, P., & Stover, E. (1997). Genocide and the plight of children in Rwanda. Journal of the American Medical Association, 277, 289–294.

The author examines the long-term physical and psychological problems for children of internally displaced in or refugees from Rwanda.

Gibbons, J. L., & Stiles, D. A. (2004). Thoughts of youth: An international perspective on adolescents’ ideal persons. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

The authors describe research in more than 20 countries over a 15 year period of time asking youth to describe an ideal man or woman. They examine the influence of gender, culture, and economic conditions on youths' perceptions and development.

Gielen, U. P., & Comunian, A. C. (Eds.). (1994). International approaches to the family and family therapy. Padua, Italy: Unipress.

This collection of essays examines the evolution and practice of family psychology and therapy in a variety of countries principally in Europe.

Gielen, U. P., & Comunian, A. C. (Eds.). (1998). The family and family therapy in international perspective. Trieste, Italy: Edizioni Lint Trieste.

This collection of articles by authors from 13 countries addresses the practice of family therapy in an international context. The text is divided into seven sections including counseling and ethnic diversity, Chinese families, families and family therapy in Asia, families in traumatic situations (e.g., genocide, cults, natural disasters), attachment concerns, and exceptional children.

Gielen, U. P., & Roopnarine, J. (Eds.). (2004). Childhood and adolescence: Cross-cultural perspectives and applications. Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood.

Drawing on research, from field to experimental studies, this text examines child and adolescent development across a range of cultures with special focus on gender-role development, education, socialization and childrearing.

Gilbert, N. (1997). Combating child abuse: International perspectives and trends. New York: Oxford University Press.

This volume describes a variety of child protective programs in North America and Western Europe.

Grimley, L. K., & Bennett, J. (2000). Beginning school ready to learn: An international perspective. School Psychology International, 21, 322–325.

This article examines programs and issues related to early childhood education and parent education in a broad spectrum of world regions including both developing and developed nations.

Hamon, R. R., & Ingoldsby, B. B. (Eds.). (2003). Mate selection across cultures. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

The authors examine the similarities and differences in mate selection from around the globe including the Bahamas, China, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Netherlands, Spain, Tobago, Trinidad, Turkey, and the United States.

Hoffman, A. (2001). Teen violence: A global view. Westport, CT: Greenwood.

This volume examines the causes and solutions for the problem of youth violence around the globe.

Hung, L.-W., Kempen, G. I. J. M., & De Vries, N. K. (2010). Cross-cultural comparison between academic and lay views of healthy ageing: A literature review. Ageing & Society, 30(8), 1373-1391.

Based on a content analysis of previous research published in English and Chinese, the authors explore cultural differences in how academics and lay older people define “healthy aging.”  The results indicate that healthy aging is a complex and multidimensional concept – lay people include more domains (such as independency, family, adaptation, financial security, personal growth, and spirituality) than academics and these domains are valued differently across cultures.  Implications for academic research are discussed.

Jensen, L. A. (2012). Bridging universal and cultural perspectives: A vision for developmental psychology in a global world. Child Development Perspectives, 6(1), 98-104. doi:10.1111/j.1750-8606.2011.00213.x

This article argues that in an increasingly diverse and global society, it is critical to integrate scholarship from developmental and cultural psychology and rethink the conceptual and methodological assumptions of developmental psychology.  

Killias, M., & Ribeaud, D. (1999). Drug use and crime among juveniles. An international perspective. Studies on Crime and Crime Prevention, 8, 189–209.

The authors examine the correlations between juvenile drug use (both soft and hard drugs), juvenile delinquency, and drug trafficking in 12 European countries and the United States.

La Greca, A., Sivlerman, W. K., Vernberg, E. M., & Roberts, M. C. (Eds.). (2002). Helping children cope with disasters and terrorism. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

This edited text addresses the myriad crises that children may be exposed to including terrorism, natural disasters, human-made or technological disasters (e.g. auto accidents), and acts of violence.

Lancy, D. F., & Grove, M. A. (2011).  Getting noticed: Middle childhood in cross-cultural perspective. Human Nature, 22(3), 281-302.

Despite the fact that not all societies identify this life stage by name, changes in role occur across cultures that mark the period between early childhood and adolescence. The authors identify and elaborate on these signs of demarcation, including rites of passage, gender separation, increased freedom of movement for boys, increased ties with mothers for girls, and heightened expectations for socially responsible behavior.

Madge, N. (1999). Youth suicide in an international context. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 8, 283–291.

This article examines suicide rates and trends for adolescents in seven European countries.

Malley-Morrison, K. (Ed.). (2004). International perspectives on family violence and abuse: A cognitive ecological approach. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

This volume examines family violence from a macro and micro perspective cross-culturally. Chapters are largely organized by country but the text also includes topical chapter such as the chapter on concerning the contextualization of human rights.

Meeks, C. B., Nickols, S. Y., & Sweaney, A. L. (1999). Demographic comparisons of aging in five selected countries. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 20, 223–250.

This article examines economic, care-giving, long-term care, and housing issues related to aging and older adults in Brazil, India, Norway, Tanzania, and the United States.

Murphy-Berman, V., Levesque, H. L., & Berman, J. J. (1996). U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child: A cross-cultural view. American Psychologist, 51, 1257–1261.

The authors examine cultural differences impacting the understanding and implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Includes discussions of cross-cultural variability in power distributions in families, degree of external control on individual behavior, accepted family responsibility levels, and collectivist versus individualist cultural patterns.

New, R. S. (2010). Cross-cultural research on children’s development: Deep roots and new branches. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 41(4), 522-533. doi:10.1177/0022022110362569

This article examines pioneering contributions of the John and Beatrice Whiting to theory, research, methodology, and policy in the fields of child development and early childhood education. Contemporary applications of their work are outlined, including multicultural education programs.

Poelmans, S. A. Y. (Ed.). (2005). Work and family: An international research perspective. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

This advanced text examines issues of work and family around the globe. Includes theoretical chapters, literature reviews, research both qualitative and quantitative, and integrative materials.

Retish, P., & Reiter, S. (Eds.). (1999). Adults with disabilities: International perspectives in the community. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

This volume examines a variety of concerns for adults with disabilities ranging from the transition from school to the workplace to parenting concerns. Includes articles focusing on specific issues, programs, or policies in a variety of industrialized countries around the globe as well as cross-cultural comparisons.

Rogoff, B. (2003). The cultural nature of human development. New York: Oxford University Press.

The author examines the concept of development as a cultural process as opposed to simply a biological or psychological process. Argues that development can only be understood within the context of a culture and various community practices.

Saraswathi, T. S. (Ed.). (2003). Cross-cultural perspectives in human development: Theory, research, and applications. Dehli, India: Sage.

This text is divided into two sections: first section highlights theoretical perspectives and the second section focuses on specific research topics. The discussions range from evolutionary perspectives to indigenous psychology.

Swadener, E. B., & Bloch, M. N. (Eds.). (1997). Children, families, and change: International perspectives [Special issue]. Early Education and Development, 8(3).

This special issue addresses the concerns of children and family in relation to changing international trends and environments.

United Nations. (2006). The state of the world’s children 2006. New York: United Nations.

This volume provides discussion about and data on children around the world, including numerous invaluable charts and tables examining a variety of factors impacting childhood such as health, nutrition, and economics. It is available for free viewing online at:

Wessells, M. (Ed.). (1998). The Graca Machel/U.N. study on the effects of war on children [Special issue]. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 4(4).

This special issue includes a discussion of the United Nation’s Impact of Armed Conflict on Children study.

Yates, M., & Youniss, J. (Eds.). (1999). Roots of civic identity: International perspectives on community service and activism in youth. New York: Cambridge University Press.

These essays examine the concept of civic identity in a variety of nations and political situations from Canada to Palestine.

General Cross-Cultural Psychology

Adler, L. L., & Gielen, U. P. (2001). Cross-cultural topics in psychology (2nd ed.). Westport, CT: Praeger.

These articles examine a broad range of psychological topics such as development, personality, psychopathology, and treatment. The authors discuss international topics such as multinational enterprises, immigration, and intercultural communication.

Berry, J. W., Poortinga, Y. H., & Segall, M. H. (Eds.). (2002). Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications (2nd ed.). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.

This comprehensive textbook for the study of cross-cultural psychology includes topical and methodological information.

Chryssochoou, X. (2004). Cultural diversity: Its social psychology. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

The author examines the issues cultural diversity issues such as multiculturalism, acculturation, immigration, identity, prejudice, and the nation-state from a social psychological perspective.

Diener, E., & Suh, E. M. (Eds.). (2000). Culture and subjective well-being. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

This volume contains an examination of subjective well-being taking into account differences in cultural definitions ad causes of well-being, societal conditions impacting well-being, and individual differences.

Goldstein, S. (2008). Cross-cultural explorations: Activities in culture and psychology (2nd ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

A good introduction to cross-cultural and internationalism for an introductory psychology course. The demonstrations are clearly explained and organized around a typical introductory psychology course although they can be used in upper division classes as well.

Keith, K. D. (2011). Cross-cultural psychology: Contemporary themes and perspectives. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

This is a collection of original readings by a diverse group of contributors, many of whom are pioneers in the field of cross-cultural research. The 29 chapters are organized around major sub-disciplines, such as cognition, emotion, language, gender, health, personality, and social psychology.

Kim, U., Yang, K-S.. & Hwang, K-K. (Eds.). (2006). Indigenous and cultural psychology: Understanding people in context. New York: Springer.

Scholars in the field of indigenous psychology examine culture-specific and well as universal psychological phenomena. The volume includes extensive discussion of methodology related to appropriate cross-cultural research and theory.

Landis, D., Landis, J. M., & Bhagat, R. (Eds.). (2003). Handbook of intercultural training (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

This handbook serves psychologists involved in training individuals for work in an intercultural setting. The first section concerns the theory and methods of intercultural training including topics such as acculturation, international personnel selection, and program assessment. The second section highlights the contextual dimensions of intercultural training in such settings as the military and organizational contexts. The final section is of particular interest for those interested in international issues as it focuses on intercultural training for those who work in critical parts of the world.

Leong, F. T. L., Leung, K., & Cheung, F. M. (2010). Integrating cross-cultural psychology research methods into ethnic minority psychology. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16(4), 590-597. doi:10.1037/a0020127

This article discusses the potential benefits of integrating the cross-cultural and racial/ ethnic minority approaches to psychology , particularly in terms of strategies for addressing such methodological issues as conceptual and measurement equivalence. 

Lonner, W. J., Dinnel, D. L., Forgays, D. K., & Hayes, S. A. (1999). Merging past, present, and future in cross-cultural psychology: Selected papers from the Fourteenth International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Lisse, Netherlands: Swets and Zeitlinger.

This volume presents a collection of 44 papers concerning a broad range of cross-cultural topics. A small number of articles concern cross-cultural concerns in the United States, however, most concern research, theoretical development, and issues from other regions of the world. Of particular interest is an article written by scholars from Africa challenging traditional American and European psychology.

Matsumoto, D. (2000). Culture and psychology: People around the world (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

This volume introduces students to the world of psychology from a cross-cultural perspective. It includes recent international and cultural research in traditional areas of psychology as well as includes topics of focusing on the study of psychology and culture such as intercultural communication and ethnocentrism.

Matsumoto D., van de Vijver F. J. R. (Eds.). (2011). Cross-cultural research methods in psychology. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

This book reviews key methodological challenges and solutions for cross-cultural research.  These address: equivalence, test bias, meta-analysis, translation, sampling, response style, and others.

Pandey, J., Sinha, D., & Bhawuk, D. P. S. (Eds.). (1996). Asian contributions to cross-cultural psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

This collection of essays—based on the fourth regional Asian Congress of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology held in Kathmandu, Nepal, in 1992—addresses the practice of and research concerning psychology in Asia. The first section of the text concerns theoretical issues including discussions of the problems associated with indigenous psychology. The second and third sections contain articles related to family, cognitive processes, self, and achievement. The final section addresses social values and problems of developing societies. A significant number of the chapters concern research and psychological issues in India and Nepal.

Peng, K., & Paletz, S. B. F. (2011). Cross-cultural psychology in applied settings: Passages to differences.  In P. R. Martin, F. M. Cheung, M. C. Knowles, M. Kyrios, L. Littlefield, J. B. Overmier, & J. M. Prieto (Eds.), IAAP handbook of applied psychology (pp. 525-542). West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. doi:10.1002/9781444395150.ch32

This chapter explores the implications of specific dimensions of culture ( individualism-collectivism and  holistic versus analytic cognitive orientations) for behavior in such applied settings as business, law, politics, and international relations.

Poortinga, Y. H. (2011). Research on behaviour-and-culture: Current ideas and future projections. In F. J. R. van de Vijver, A. Chasiotis, & S. M. Breugelmans (Eds.), Research on behaviour-and-culture: Current ideas and future projections (pp. 545-578) .  New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

This chapter delineates the scope of cross-cultural psychology and briefly reviews the history of the field. Discussion focuses on methodological issues as well as specific content areas, including:  perception and cognition, social psychological variables, culture inside the person, and developmental perspectives. The author also addresses strategies for meeting future challenges in the study of culture and behavior.

Smith, P. (2010). Cross-cultural psychology: Some accomplishments and challenges. Psychological Studies, 55, 89-95.

In this article, Smith considers the evolution of cross-cultural psychology and discusses achievements, methodological innovations, and areas where improvement is needed. 

Smith, P. B., Bond, M. H., & Kagitçibasi, C. (2006). Understanding social psychology across cultures: Living and working in a changing world. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

The authors examine the many areas of inquiry within a typical social psychology course from a cross-cultural perspective.

van de Vijver F. J. R., Chasiotis A. and Breugelmans S. M. (Eds.) (2011). Research on behaviour-and-culture: Current ideas and future projections.  New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

In this book, experts trace the development of, and evaluate, several areas of cross-cultural research to explore how the accumulated empirical findings have contributed to an understanding of the impact of culture on specific psychological processes.

General International Psychology

Baker D. B. (Ed.). (2012).  The Oxford handbook of the history of psychology: Global perspectives. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

With chapters focusing on 28 different countries/regions, this handbook traces the development of psychology and psychologies around the world and identifies the political and socioeconomic forces that shape their unique content and goals. 

Bertelson, P., Eelen, P., & d'Ydewalle, G. (1994). International perspectives on psychological science: Vol. 1: Leading themes. Howe, UK: Psychology Press.

This collection of articles by international psychologists on topics ranging from memory to developmental psychology is based on papers presented at the 25th International Congress of Psychology.

Bond, M. H. (Ed.). (1996). The handbook of Chinese psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.

This collection of essays concerns psychology as developed and applied in a variety of Chinese societies including the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan. The author covers topics ranging from psychotherapy to employee motivation.

Carr, S. C., & Schumaker, J. F. (Eds.). (1996). Psychology and the developing world. Westport, CT: Praeger.

The editors included chapters concerning the application and development of psychological knowledge in developing nations. Authors discuss the need for balance between Western psychological theory and application grounded solely in indigenous constructs. Further topics include organizational, educational, health, developmental, social, and ecological psychology as well as social issues such as the impact of war on children and the psychosocial care of AIDS patients.

Dockett, K., Grant, R., & Bankart, P. (Eds.). (2003). Psychology and Buddhism: From individual to global community. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum.

This edited texts consists of 12 chapters examining the intersection of Buddhism and psychology on a variety of topics ranging from addictions to world peace.

d'Ydewalle, G., Bertelson, P., & Eelen, P. (1994). International perspectives on psychological science: Vol. 2: The state of the art. Howe, UK: Psychology Press.

This collection of articles by international psychologists covers a broad spectrum of topics ranging from neuropsychology to organizational psychology. Based on papers presented at the 25th International Congress of Psychology.

Georgas, J., Manthouli, M., Besevegis, E., & Kokkevi, A. (Eds.). (1996). Contemporary psychology in Europe: Theory, research, and applications. Gottingen, Germany: Hogrefe and Huber.

A broad representation of psychological theory, practice, and research by European psychologists. Proceedings of the 1995 4th European Congress of Psychology in Greece.

Gergen, K. J., Gulerce, A., Lock, A., & Misra, G. (1996). Psychological science in cultural context. American Psychologist, 51, 496–503.

The authors argue for the development of a multicultural psychology that incorporates the diversity of cultural beliefs about self and ways of knowing. They discuss and provide examples concerning the problems inherent with the ethnocentric exportation of Western psychology to other global contexts.

Grigorenko, E., Ruzgis, P., & Sternberg, R. J. (1997). Russian psychology: Past, present and future. Huntington, NY: Nova Science.

This interesting collection of articles highlights some of the prominent ideas and theories within Russian psychology. While some of the chapters have a narrow focus, others are broadly written making it easier to integrate the material into traditional undergraduate courses.

Halpern, D. F., & Voiskounsky, A. E. (1997). States of mind: American and post-Soviet perspectives on contemporary issues in psychology. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

This text consists of essays and articles concerning the evolution and process of psychology in a sociopolitical context. Authors examine a variety of topics falling into four general areas. The first section of the text concerns politics and persuasion and includes articles related to political psychology, the psychology of truth and lies, as well as advertising and the media. The second section of the text concerns crises in mental health such as alcoholism and trauma. The third section addresses many of the concerns associated with interethnic conflict. The final section addresses research relevant to ecological and environmental psychology.

Kao, H. S. R., & Sinha, D. (Eds.). (1997). Asian perspectives on psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

The authors contrast Asian psychology and Western psychology. International scholars from Eastern psychological perspectives examine issues of cognition, emotion, personality, social behavior, and health. The text also includes the importance of spiritual, transcendental, and social issues in Eastern psychology.

Kaslow, F. W. (2000). Establishing linkages through international psychology: Dealing with universalities and uniquenesses. American Psychologist, 55, 1377–1388.

This interesting narrative describes one scholar’s journey toward becoming an international psychologist.

Koltsova, V. A., Oleinik, Y. N., Gilgen, A. R., & Gilgen, C. K. (Eds.). (1996). Post-Soviet perspectives on Russian psychology. New York: Greenwood.

This text discusses the current state of psychological science in Russia against the backdrop of Russian history. The editors present a broad range of topics that can be integrated into a number of psychology courses including developmental, personality, industrial, and social psychology.

Marsella, A. J. (1998). Toward a "global-community psychology": Meeting the needs of a changing world. American Psychologist, 53, 1282–1291.

The author discusses the need for the development of a specialty within psychology focusing on global-community concerns. He argues that this is needed in response to changes in technology, the development of multinational corporations, and increasing global interdependence.

Marsella, A. J., Austin, A., & Grant, B. (Eds.). (2005). Social change and psychosocial adaptation in the Pacific islands: Accounts of cultures in transition. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum.

The authors examine psychological issues, social change, and psychosocial adaptation for groups living within a broad range of Pacific Island regions from Guam to the Federated States of Micronesia. Each area's history, political change, ethnic makeup, and other unique cultural change issues are examined in relation to a range of mental health concerns including treatment.

Martin, P. R. (2011). Applied psychology in the international context: What more needs to be done?  In P. R. Martin, F. M. Cheung, M. C. Knowles, M. Kyrios, L. Littlefield, J. B. Overmier, & J. M. Prieto (Eds.), IAAP handbook of applied psychology (pp. 717-731). West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. doi:10.1002/9781444395150.ch32

This chapter evaluates the contributions of applied psychology to global issues.  The authors considers the types of topics and regions of the world that have been included and neglected and the ways in which international psychology organizations could have greater impact on global issues.

Mays, V. M., Rubin, J., Sabourin, M., & Walker, L. (1996). Moving toward a global psychology: Changing theories and practice to meet the needs of a changing world. American Psychologist, 51, 485–487.

The authors discuss the far-reaching changes in society bringing those in the United States closer to individuals of differing cultural and national backgrounds. They argue that psychologists in the United States can greatly facilitate the internationalization of the United States by addressing potential problem sources both domestically and abroad.

Pawlik, K., & d'Ydewalle, G. (1996). Psychology and the global commons: Perspectives of international psychology. American Psychologist, 51, 488–495.

The majority of this article highlights the need for and process by which psychologists from varying national and regional backgrounds can engage in international cooperation and exchange. Also argues for the contributions that psychological science can make in a changing global context.

Rosenzweig, M. R. (1999). Continuity and change in the development of psychology around the world. American Psychologist, 54, 252–259.

This article discusses the results of a survey conducted by the International Union of Psychological Science. It addresses the growth of psychology internationally and the challenges that will be faced as psychology takes its place in the global community.

Rosenzweig, M. R. (Ed.). (1992). International psychological science: Progress, problems, and prospects. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

This volume surveys psychological research by scholars from six countries. The volume includes topics such as learning and memory, visual perception, parenting and child development, health psychology, psychotherapy, and psychological assessment. A particularly useful chapter is “Resources for Psychological Science Around the World.”

Sexton, V. S., & Hogan, J. D. (Eds.). (1992). International psychology: Views from around the world. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

This volume provides a panoramic view of psychology from around the globe. Chapters are organized by country from Argentina to Zimbabwe. Each chapter describes the state of the profession, current research themes, and theoretical emphasis within that nation.

Stead, G. B., & Harrington, T. F. (2000). A process perspective of international research collaboration. Career Development Quarterly, 48, 323–331.

The authors describe the benefits and pitfalls associated with international research collaboration.

Stevens, M. J., & Wedding, D. (Eds.). (2004). Handbook of international psychology. New York: Brunner-Routledge.

This comprehensive handbook covers the development of psychology as a discipline in 27 countries across 6 continents. This is a core text in the field of international psychology.

Sugiman, T., Karasawa, M., Liu, J. H., & Ward, C. (Eds.). (2000). Progress in Asian social psychology: Vol. 2. Seoul, Korea: Kyoyook Kwahak Sa.

This collection of theoretical and research articles is based on the proceedings of the 1997 Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology in Kyoto. The text is divided into six parts including the methods of Asian social psychology, the Asian self, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and intergroup processes, social representations, and cultural development issues in Asia.

Global Issues

Carr, S. C., & Sloan, T. S. (Eds.). (2003). Poverty and psychology: From global perspective to local practice. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum.

The authors examine the issue of poverty globally in such disparate areas as the inner cities of Scotland to the outback of Australia. Chapters by clinicians, scholars, and community practitioners focus on the ramifications of poverty as well as methods whereby those living in those regions can directly work towards positive solutions.

Daiute, C., Beykont, Z., Higson-Smith, C., & Nucci, L. (Eds.). (2006). International perspectives on youth conflict and development. New York: Oxford University Press.

This volume places discussion of youth violence within the context of cultural violence. Chapters including case studies examine the impact of social, economic, and political factors on youth in areas such the Middle East, the Philippines, Colombia and a range of other conflict and post-conflict regions.

De Jong, J. (Ed.). (2002). Trauma, war, and violence: Public mental health in socio-cultural context. New York: Kluwer Academic.

This volume provides analyses of various mental health needs and programs by psychologists from around the globe. The editor focuses particularly on the needs of those who live in areas of extreme conflict, refugee camps, intense poverty, or where human rights are routinely violated.

Danieli, Y. (Ed.). (2002). Sharing the front line and the back hills: International protectors and providers: Peacekeepers, humanitarian aid workers and the media in the midst of crisis. Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing.

This edited text addresses the needs of all of those involved in working towards peace as well as providing aid in areas of conflict (e.g., peace-keepers and humanitarian aid workers). It highlights the important work of these individuals and the risks and sacrifices they face as part of that work.

Fitzduff, M., & Stout, C. E. (2006). The psychology of resolving global conflicts: From war to peace (Vols. 1–3). Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood.

This three volume set explores global conflict including war, genocide, ethnopolitical conflict, conflict resolution, and peace from the lens of research within the field of peace psychology. Volume 1 concerns issues of nature versus nurture, Volume 2 addresses group and social factors, and Volume 3 provides a comprehensive look at intervention.

Gerstein, L. H., & Kirkpatrick, D. (2006). Counseling psychology and nonviolent activism. In R. L. Toporek, L. Gerstein, N. A. Fouad, G. S. Roysircar, & T. Israel (Eds.), Handbook for social justice in counseling psychology: Leadership, vision, and action (pp. 442–471). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

This chapter describes the political and historical conflicts in Tibet and the role that psychologists have played, and continue to play, in raising awareness regarding the political oppression.

Horne, S. G., & Mathews, S. S. (2006). A social justice approach to international collaborative consultation. In R. L. Toporek, L. Gerstein, N. A. Fouad, G. S. Roysircar, & T. Israel (Eds.), Handbook for social justice in counseling psychology: Leadership, vision, and action (pp. 442–471). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

This chapter describes a social justice approach for international consultation with local service providers. Ethical and practical issues are addressed particularly with regard to the need to be collaborative.

Kelly, R. J., & Maghan, J. (Eds.). (1998). Hate crimes: The global politics of polarization. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.

This collection of previously unpublished essays examines hate crimes in a variety of international settings. Authors examine how local authorities cope with these issues and the means by which this problem can be controlled and contained.

Krippner, S., & McIntyre, T. M. (Eds.). (2003). The psychological impact of war trauma on civilians: An international perspective. Westport, CT: Praeger.

This edited text addresses all phases of war conflict and trauma including prevention, intervention, and reconstruction. Chapters include case histories and analyses as well as broader integrative sections examining the issue of war trauma.

Langholtz, H. J., & Stout, C. E. (Eds.). (2004). The psychology of diplomacy. Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood.

The text deals with the many facets of diplomatic relations between nations. While focusing largely in communications and negotiations between diplomats, this text also includes relevant information for those involved in the military, media, business, and individual citizen.

Marsella, A.J. (2009). Diversity in a global era: The context and consequences of differences. International Counseling Psychology Quarterly, 22, 119-136.

This article provides strategies for promoting both solidarity and diversity in the face of conflicts that arise from global problems. These strategies include world citizenship, global leadership, diversity education and training, positive attitudinal shifts, universal human rights, and the development of the full-functioning global citizen.

Marsella, A.J (2011). The challenges of ethno-cultural diversity in an era of asymmetric globalization. Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict, 4, 52-58.

This article explores the consequences of – and remedies for – a Western-biased asymmetric cultural homogeneity across the world, which has resulted from Western ethnocentrism in combination with military, economic, and political power.  Recommendations emphasize the preservation of ethno–cultural diversity.

Moeschberger, S. L., Ordonez, A., Shankar, J., & Raney, S. (2006). Moving from contact to change: The act of becoming aware. In R. L. Toporek, L. Gerstein, N. A. Fouad, G. S. Roysircar, & T. Israel (Eds.), Handbook for social justice in counseling psychology: Leadership, vision, and action (pp. 442–471). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

This chapter presents a model of awareness, engagement, and participation in international community and political issues. This approach, based on critical consciousness describes increasing awareness of political and social oppression leading to action. Three different international initiatives involving psychologists including work with Salvadoran gangs, damming the Narmada River in India, and the Kashmir Conflict are used to illustrate the application of this approach.

Moghaddam, F. M., & Marsella, A. J. (Eds.). (2004). Understanding terrorism: Psychosocial roots, consequences, and interventions. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

This excellent edited text is divided into three sections. The first section focuses on the underlying issues and context of terrorism. The second section includes chapters related to the psychosocial foundations of terrorism and includes topics such as moral disengagement, Staub's model of mass violence, and peace psychology's perspectives on terrorism. The final section of the book relates to psychological consequences of terrorism.

Norsworthy, K. L. & Khuankaew, O. (2006). Bringing social justice to international practices of counseling psychology. In R. L. Toporek, L. Gerstein, N. A. Fouad, G. S. Roysircar, & T. Israel (Eds.), Handbook for social justice in counseling psychology: Leadership, vision, and action (pp. 442–471). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

This chapter describes a collaboration between a U.S. psychologist and Thai feminist activist in addressing social justice issues in the local community using a “decolonizing” approach. The internationalization of psychology, history of colonization, and implications for international collaborations are discussed.

Ramirex, J. M., & Richardson, D. S. (Eds.). (2001). Cross-cultural approaches to research on aggression and reconciliation. Huntington, NY: Nova Science.

This edited text deals with a broad range of issues concerning aggression and reconciliation. It includes theoretical and methodological discussion concerning the study of aggression and reconciliations as well as a broad range of chapters evaluating these concepts from a cross-cultural perspective and examines the role that social representations and culture play in aggression.

Reyes, G., & Jacobs, G. A. (Eds.). (2006). Handbook of international disaster psychology (Vols. 1–4). Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood.

This comprehensive four volume set addresses all aspects of disaster psychology including "Fundamentals and Overview" (Vol. 1); "Practices and Programs" (Vol. 2); "Refugee Mental Health" (Vol. 3); and "Interventions With Special Needs Populations" (Vol. 4). The volumes address psychosocial factors related to recovery from all forms of disaster ranging from human-generated disaster (e.g., genocide) to natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes).

Steger, M. B., & Lind, N. S. (Eds.). (1999). Violence and its alternatives: An interdisciplinary reader. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

A wide variety of classic articles about violence from authors around the globe are presented. Topical areas include: definitions and concepts, law, gender, race, nationalism, class, and nonviolent alternatives.

Stout, C. E. (Ed.). (2002). The psychology of terrorism (Vols. 1–4). Westport, CT: Praeger.

The first volume is designed to provide background information for general understanding of a broad range of terrorism topics from bioterrorism to the psychology of the terrorist. The second volume focuses on clinical issues and responses to terrorism. The third volume is divided into two sections that focus on placing terrorism within cultural and religious theoretical contexts. The fourth volume concludes with articles addressing various aspects of response to terrorism as well as prevention.

Stout, C. E. (Ed.). (2004). Psychology of terrorism: Coping with the continuing threat, condensed edition. Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood.

This condensed version of Stout (2002) consists of a selection of chapters from each volume.

Worchel, S. (1999). Written in blood: Ethnic identify and the struggle for human harmony. New York: Worth.

The author examines group and political processes that contribute to ethnic conflict. Current international material is very well integrated throughout the text. This volume is a nice addition to any course on stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination.

Health Psychology

Aboud, F. (1998). Health psychology in global perspective. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

This multidisciplinary text addresses a variety of health concerns including AIDS/HIV, substance abuse, and mental illness. It also addresses family planning, community participation, and health education and promotion including vignettes, case studies, and exercises for use in class.

Gurung, R. A. R. (2010). Health psychology: A cultural approach (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage.

This text provides a psychological and cultural perspective on issues of stress and coping, health and illness, and treatment. 

Kent, G. (2011). Global plans of action for health. In E. Beracochea, C. Weinstein & D. P. Evans (Eds.), Rights-based approaches to public health. (pp. 103-116). New York, NY: Springer.

Discusses the impact of globalization on health and the ways in which actions in one part of the world affect health conditions in other regions. The author puts forth a moral and human rights argument for developing and implementing global, national, and local health policy.

Oldenburg, B., de Courten, M., & Frean, E. (2010). The contribution of health psychology to the advancement of global health.  In J. M. Suls,  K. W. Davidson, & R. M. Kaplan (Eds.), Handbook of health psychology and behavioral medicine (pp. 397-408).  New York, NY: Guilford Press.

This chapter describes contemporary global health issues and discusses how the intersecting fields of behavioral medicine, health psychology, and public health can contribute to the understanding, prevention, and management of these problems.

Pandey, J. (Ed.). (2001). Psychology in India revisited— Developments in the discipline: Vol. 2: Personality and health psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

This review of the recent psychological research in India related to personality and health psychology includes articles concerning consciousness studies, child and adolescent development, personality, self, gender, health, and therapy.

History of Psychology

Baker D. B. (Ed.). (2012).  The Oxford handbook of the history of psychology: Global perspectives. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

With chapters focusing on 28 different countries/regions, this handbook traces the development of psychology and psychologies around the world and identifies the political and socioeconomic forces that shape their unique content and goals. 

Brock, A. C. (Ed.). (2006). Internationalizing the history of psychology. New York: New York University Press.

This new text examines not only the history of psychology from an international perspective but challenges the traditional Eurocentric approach to this history as taught at most universities.

Smith, P. (2010). Cross-cultural psychology: Some accomplishments and challenges. Psychological Studies, 55, 89-95.

In this article, Smith considers the evolution of cross-cultural psychology and discusses achievements, methodological innovations, and areas where improvement is needed. 


Chang, C. H., & Spector, P. E. (2010). Cross-cultural occupational health psychology. In J. C. Quick & L. E. Tetrick (Eds.). Handbook of occupational health psychology, 2nd ed. (pp. 119-137). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

This chapter discusses dimensions of culture that are important to consider in regard to issues in occupational health psychology, such as  job stress, work–family issues, accidents and injuries, musculoskeletal disorders, and workplace violence.

Earley, P. C., & Erez, M. (Eds.). (1997). New perspectives on international industrial/organizational psychology. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

This collection of articles examines the role of culture and national context on a variety of organizational topics such as multinational teams, intercultural communication, and work motivation. It is a good resource for those wanting to internationalize an industrial or organization psychology course or lecture.

Erez, M. (2011). Cross-cultural and global issues in organizational psychology. In S. Zedeck (Ed).  APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, Vol 3: Maintaining, expanding, and contracting the organization (pp. 807-854). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

This chapter reviews research on the cultural context of the workplace.  Culture is viewed broadly and at multiple levels ranging from team and organizational cultures to national and global cultures.  Issues addressed include cultural influences on workplace values, behaviors and leadership. Implications for multicultural teams, multinational organizations, and multigovernment organizations are outlined. 

Gannon, M. J., & Pillai, R. K.  (2009). Understanding global cultures: Metaphorical journeys through 31 nations, clusters of nations, continents, and diversity . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Presents cultural metaphors (e.g., the Italian opera, the Turkish coffeehouse, the Japanese garden) as a strategy for understanding cultural mind sets.

Ryan, A. M., & Gelfand, M. (2012). Going global: Internationalizing the organizational psychology curriculum. In F. T. L. Leong, W. E. Pickren, M. M. Leach & A. J. Marsella (Eds.), Internationalizing the psychology curriculum in the United States. (pp. 245-261). New York, NY: Springer.  

This chapter evaluates the current state of organizational psychology in terms of internationalization, identifies areas in which curricular change is needed, and makes recommendations for resources and approaches to achieve a more international perspective.

Intergroup Relations

Berry, J. W. (2010). Mobility and acculturation. In S. C. Carr (Ed.), The psychology of global mobility (pp. 193-210). New York, NY: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-6208-9_10

This chapter discusses the process of acculturation and examines the cultural and psychological changes produced by the acculturation processes in increasingly diverse and pluralistic societies.  A framework is presented with which to understand how diverse individuals and groups use intercultural strategies as they come into contact. 

Bizumic, B., Duckitt, J., Popadic, D. Dru, V. & Krauss, S. (2009). A cross-cultural investigation into a reconceptualization of Ethnocentrism. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39(6), 871-899.

Empirical data is presented to support a reconceptualization of Sumner's definition of ethnocentrism as having four intergroup expressions (ingroup preference, superiority, purity, and exploitativeness), and two intragroup expressions ( group cohesion and devotion). Ethnocentrism  was thus differentiated from outgroup negativity as well as from ingroup positivity.

Castro, V. S. (2003). Acculturation and psychological adaptation. Westport, CT: Greenwood.

The author examines acculturation not simply as a one-way process but as a reciprocal process impacting both the new arrival to a culture and the majority host culture. Focuses primarily on Latin American cultures and serves as example of theory testing from one population to another. In this case, the text examines whether research and theory concerning European and North America setting acculturation processes is cross-culturally applicable to Latin American settings.

Esqueda, C. W. (2011). Cross-cultural perspectives on stigma. In R. L. Wiener & S. L. Willborn (Eds.). Disability and aging discrimination: Perspectives in law and psychology (pp. 185-204).  New York, NY:Springer.

This chapter discusses cross-cultural variations in stigma, with an emphasis on age and mental illness.

Gelfand, M. J., & Brett, J. M. (2004). Handbook of negotiation and culture. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press.

The authors examine a broad range of concepts as well as research related to the topic of negotiation, including intergroup relations, motivation, and alternate assumption, from a cross-cultural perspective.

Gudykunst, W. B., & Mody, B. (Eds.). (2004). Handbook of international and intercultural communication (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Divided into four sections, this book updates the rapidly expanding field of intercultural communication, international communication, cross-cultural communication, and development communication.

Leong, C., & Ward, C. (2011). Intergroup perceptions and attitudes toward immigrants in a culturally plural society. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 60(1), 46-65. doi:10.1111/j.1464-0597.2010.00426.x

The research examined perceptions of Chinese immigrants held by New Zealanders of European and Maori descent. Results indicated that Maori held more negative outgroup perceptions than their European counterparts. This was explained in terms of lower levels of contact and greater perceived threat among Maori participants.  Implications for intergroup relations research methodology are discussed. 

Sam, D. L., & Berry, J. W. (Eds.). (2006). The Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press.

This is a comprehensive text on the growing research and theory concerning acculturation. Includes methodology, theoretical perspectives, focused research on groups impacted by acculturations (e.g., refugees and students), and the applied perspectives.

Williams, M. J.; Spencer-Rodgers, J. (2010). Culture and stereotyping processes: Integration and new directions. Social and Personality Psychology Compass,4(8), 591-604.

This theoretical article discusses the degree to which stereotyping processes are likely to be universal or influenced by cultural context. Recommendations are provided for future research on culture and stereotyping processes.   

Wingenfeld, S., & Newbrough, J. R. (2000). Community psychology in international perspective. In J. Rappaport & E. Seidman (Eds.), Handbook of community psychology (pp. 779–810). New York: Plenum.

This volume contains discussion of the history and status of community psychology training programs, practice, and research in a broad range of countries around the globe.

Introductory Psychology

Price, W. F., & Crapo, R. H. (2002). Cross-cultural perspectives in introductory psychology (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

This collection of 27 cross-cultural readings and vignettes is organized topically for use in an introductory psychology course. This volume is designed to augment students’ knowledge of the material and raise issues of similarity and difference in relation to individuals in varying cultural contexts around the globe.

Stevenson, A. (2010). Cultural issues in psychology: A student’s handbook. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

Aimed at introductory level psychology students, this text focuses on critical issues in psychology and culture, such as indigenous psychology, child rearing, intelligence, mate selection, and abnormal behavior. Classroom activities and pedagogical features are included.

Mental Health and Clinical Issues

Al-Issa, I. (Ed.). (1995). Handbook of culture and mental illness: An international perspective. Madison, CT: International Universities Press.

The essays examine the impact of culture on mental health concerns. Scholars and practitioners discuss the classification, etiology, description, and treatment of mental disorders in various cultures and with various ethnic groups.

Al-Issa, I., & Tousignant, M. (Eds.). (1997). Ethnicity, immigration, and psychopathology. New York: Plenum.

The essays examine the unique mental health stresses of ethnic minorities, immigrants, and refugees. The contributors raise the importance of cultural understanding for mental health professionals.

Ancis, J. R. (Ed.). (2004). Culturally responsive interventions: Innovative approaches to working with diverse populations. New York: Brunner-Routledge.

This volume includes discussions of culturally relevant treatments and also culture-bound syndromes.

Blazina, C., & Shen-Miller, D. S. (Eds.). (2011).  An international psychology of men: Theoretical advances, case studies, and clinical innovations. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

Geared toward mental health professionals, this text provides guidance on socioculturally responsive counseling strategies for men.  Specific topics addressed include:  boyhood notions of masculinity, relationship concerns and power, fatherhood, coping responses of men who have sex with men, and men's body image across the life span.

Culbertson, F. M. (1997). Depression and gender: An international review. American Psychologist, 52, 25–31.

This article includes a discussion of the World Health Organization’s assessment instrument for diagnosing depression. The author argues for consideration of the interaction between culture and gender when seeking to understand and treat depression.

Draper, B., Melding, P., & Brodaty, H. (2005). Psychogeriatric service delivery: An international perspective. New York: Oxford University Press.

The authors examine both practice and research concerning geropsychiatry across international boundaries.

Fernando, S. (2002). Mental health, race and culture (2nd ed). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

This volume examines cross-cultural views of race and their application to psychology.

Forrest, L. (2010). Linking international psychology, professional competence, and leadership: Counseling psychologists as learning partners. The Counseling Psychologist, 38(1), 96-120. doi:10.1177/0011000009350585

This presidential address draws connections between efforts to internationalize psychology, efforts to identify and codify standards of professional competence, and the dispositions of successful 21st-century leaders. Forrest calls on counseling psychologists to “become learning partners/learning leaders who will bring together efforts to internationalize psychology with efforts to codify the competencies of professional practice in ways that are respectful of the many cultures and countries of the world.”

Kanner, Y. N., & Del Vita, J. (2012). International perspectives on women's mental health. In P. K. Lundberg-Love, K. L. Nadal, & M. A. Paludi (Eds.), Women and mental disorders (vols 1–4). (pp. 111-129). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger/ABC-CLIO.

Based on interview data, this chapter explores the role of interpersonal and collective relationships in women’s mental health and the role relationships play in enhancing or detracting from well-being. 

Kleinman, A. (2009). Global mental health: A failure of humanity. The Lancet, 374 (9690), 603-604. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61510-5

This article details the failures of mental health services throughout the world and identifies strategies for addressing these failures.

Lee, S. (1998). Global modernity and eating disorders in Asia. European Eating Disorders Review, 6, 151–153.

The author discusses the impact of global modernity on the prevalence of eating disorders among Asian females and raises additional issues relative to Asian cultural and governmental differences impacting the delivery of treatment.

Lefley, H. P. (2010). Mental health systems in a cross-cultural context. In T. L. Scheid, & T. N. Brown (Eds.), A handbook for the study of mental health: Social contexts, theories, and systems (2nd ed) (pp. 135-161). New York, NY: Cambridge University.

This chapter examines the cultural context of mental health and mental illness, including social stressors, refugee status, culture-bound syndromes, and traditional healing systems.  Strategies are proposed for integrating traditional and Western mental health systems.

Lefley, H. P, & Johnson, D. L. (Eds.). (2002). Family interventions in mental illness: International perspectives. Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood.

The authors examine the various factors impacting the response to and treatment of severe mental illnesses internationally. Topics include creative approaches to working with those with severe psychiatric syndromes, family burden and supports, collaborative models of treatment, and a discussion of governmental policies in Australia.

Leong, F. T. L., Pickren, W. E., & Tang, L. C. (2012). A history of cross-cultural clinical psychology, and its importance to mental health today. In E. C. Chang , & C. A. Downey (Eds.). Handbook of race and development in mental health, (pp.11-26). New York, NY: Springer.

This chapter reviews the development of clinical psychology in the twentieth century, with a particular focus on models of racial/ethnic minority mental health and the contributions of psychologist from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

Leong, F. T. L., & Wong, P. T. P. (2003). Optimal functioning from cross-cultural perspectives. In W. B. Walsh (Ed.), Counseling psychology and optimal human functioning (pp. 123–150). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

This chapter shows that the conception and the practice of optimal functioning are shaped by diverse world views and value systems in different cultures.

Marsella, A.J., (2010). Ethnocultural aspects of PTSD: An overview of concepts, issues, and treatments. Traumatology, 16, 17-26.

This article provides an overview of ethnocultural aspects of PTSD and its treatment. The author describes the ethnocultural factors that play a significant role in the etiology, symptomatology, course, and outcome of PTSD. A "trauma event-person ecology" model is presented to identify factors that influence the outcome of trauma within and across cultures.

Marsella, A., Bornemann, T., Ekblad, S., & Orley, J. (1994). Amidst peril and pain: The mental health and well-being of the world’s refugees. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

This text includes a collection of articles concerning the mental health of refugees. The first section of the text deals with fundamental concerns related to the refugee crisis. The second section is particularly important as it highlights specific regional refugee issues. The third section addresses specific clinical questions such as the applicability of the posttraumatic stress disorder diagnosis and specific concerns of refugee children. The fourth section discusses mental health services and includes a chapter on training professionals for work with refugees. The final section addresses recommendations and future challenges.

Marsella, A.J., Johnson, J., Watson, P., & Gryzycnski (Eds.). (2008). Ethnocultural perspectives on disasters and trauma.NY: Springer SBM

Chapters in this edited volume, contributed by experts in trauma, post-traumatic stress and crisis intervention, provide insights into working with specific ethnic/racial communities during disasters. The emotional, psychological, and social needs and strengths of these communities are addressed.

Nader, K., Dubrow, N., & Stamm, B. H. (1999). Honoring differences: Cultural issues in the treatment of trauma and loss. Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.

This collection of essays concerning the treatment of trauma and loss takes into account the importance of cultural understanding. The first part of the book examines cultural differences within the United States and the second part of the book examines these issues internationally. It raises the issue of the importance of cultural awareness and the impact of cultural concerns on trauma response and treatment considerations.

Ng, K. (2012). Internationalization of the counseling profession and international counseling students: Introduction to the special issue. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 34(1), 1-4. doi:10.1007/s10447-012-9147-7

This introduction to a special issue discusses the movement toward internationalization of the counseling profession and the need for better addressing the curricular and training implications of this movement.  

Schaefer, C., McCormick, J., & Ohnogi, A. (Eds.). (2005). International handbook of play therapy: Advances in assessment, theory, research, and practice. Lanham, MD: Jason Aronson.

The contributors provides research and direct application ideas from play therapists around the globe, including discussions of research and assessment.

Schmidt, L., & Room, R. (1999). Cross-cultural applicability in international classifications and research on alcohol dependence. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 60, 448–462.

This article provides a good study for discussion of cross-cultural applicability of research and theory particularly in relation to psychological disorders. Data were gathered in nine counties concerning alcohol use and both psychological and physical dependence, and the authors discuss similarities and differences across cultures.

Psychology and Law

Liu, B., & Peng, K. (2012). Challenge and contribution of cultural psychology to empirical legal studies. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 44(3), 413-426.

This article examines the implications of cultural differences in individualism-collectivism and cognitive style for moral reasoning and legal practices across cultures.

Perlin, M. L. (2012). International human rights and mental disability law: When the silenced are heard. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

This book investigates violations of human rights of people with mental disabilities in the United States and throughout the world. Based on an analysis of law and practice, the author identifies problems that perpetuate human rights violations , including lack of comprehensive legislation, lack of independent counsel, inadequate care, lack of community programming, and inhumane forensic systems.  Proposals are presented for changes in law, policy, and practice that would improve the treatment of persons with mental disabilities.

Redondo, S., Genoves, V. G., Perez, J., & Barberet, R. (Eds.). (1994). Advances in psychology and law: International contributions. Berlin, Germany: Walter De Greyter.

Based on contributions to the 1994 European Conference of Psychology and Law in Barcelona, Spain.

School Psychology

Frisby, C. L., & Reynolds, C. R. (Eds.). (2005). Comprehensive handbook of multicultural school psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

The contributors to this book discuss multicultural school psychology in both theoretical and practical terms. The volume explores school psychology in regions from around the globe and addresses specific topics such as assessment.

Jimerson, S. R., Oakland, T. D., & Farrell, P. T. (Eds.). (2006). Handbook of international school psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

This new handbook addresses both research and practice within the field of international school psychology.

Nastasi, B. K., & Varjas, K. (2011). International development of school psychology. In M. A. Bray, T.J. Kehle, & P. E. Nathan (Eds.). The Oxford handbook of school psychology (pp. 810-828). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

The chapter explores the need for increased internationalization of school psychology and the concurrent need for school psychologists on a global level.  The authors argue for efforts to increase the availability and international relevance of  professional development programs and for an increase in empirical research to support training and practice.

Tomes, Y. I. (2010). Culture and psychoeducational assessment: Cognition and achievement. In García-Vásquez E., Crespi T. D. and Riccio C. A. (Eds.), Handbook of education, training, and supervision of school psychologists in school and community, Vol 1: Foundations of professional practice (pp.167-183) .  New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

This chapter provides school psychologists, trainers, and other professionals who work with students of color information regarding the validity and implications of using psychoeducational assessments, particularly standardized measures of intelligence, with this population.

Tomes, Y. I. (2011). Building competency in cross-cultural school psychology. In T. M. Lionetti, E. P. Snyder & R. W. Christner (Eds.), A practical guide to building professional competencies in school psychology (pp. 35-49). New York, NY: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-6257-7_3

This chapter discusses the implications of school psychologists’ own sociocultural background and that of their students in working effectively as a student advocate. 

Social Psychology

Adamopoulos, J., & Kashima, Y. (Eds.). (1999). Social psychology and cultural context. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

These chapters examine various aspects of social psychology within the context of subjective culture. Topics range from cultural patterns of interpersonal behavior to applied cross-cultural psychology.

Adler, L. L., & Denmark, F. L. (Eds.). (2004). International perspectives on violence. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Contributors examine the phenomena of violence from a range of perspectives, levels of analysis, and cultural definitions in countries such as Australia, Brazil, Great Britain, Israel, Japan, Russia, South Africa, and the United States.

Alexander, R. (2010). Human behavior in the social environment: A macro, national, and international perspective. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 

This book provides an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the mutual relationship between individual and institutional ( e.g., families, groups, communities) behavior. 

Dovidio, J. F., Maruyama, G., & Alexander, M. G. (1998). A social psychology of national and international group relations. Journal of Social Issues, 54, 831–846.

The authors principally discuss a psychosocial approach to the analysis of intergroup conflict and conflict resolution. The article includes a discussion of the application of this information to national and international issues.

Hinton, P. R. (2000). Stereotypes, cognition, and culture. Philadelphia: Psychology Press.

This concise text is devoted to an overview of stereotyping, including a well-integrated chapter on stereotypes and culture. The text is written for students who have no prior knowledge of psychology.

Jackson, J. S., Brown, K. T., & Kirby, D. (1998). International perspectives on prejudice and racism. In J. L. Eberhardt & S. T. Fiske (Eds.), Confronting racism: The problem and the response (pp. 101–135). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

The authors examine similarities between dominant group member’s attitudes and out-group rejection in the United States and four Western European nations.

Lee, Y-T., McCauley, C., & Draguns, J. (Eds.). (1999). Personality and person perception across cultures. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Authors argue that personality and human nature are not independent of culture. The contributors examine the impact of culture on personality and person perception in a variety of social and international contexts.

Leung, K., Kim, U., Yamaguchi, S., & Kashima, Y. (Eds.). (1997). Progress in Asian social psychology (Vol. 1). New York: Wiley.

This volume documents the proceedings of the 1995 Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology in Hong Kong. While most of the articles represent specialized research topics, a few may be of general use to augment undergraduate and graduate lectures. For example, the text includes discussions of Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism as a source of Asian values, a theoretical article concerning group dynamics, an article concerning the five-factor model of personality in China, research concerning psychological control, and articles related to intergroup dynamics and conflict.

Moghaddam, F. M., Taylor, D. M., & Wright, S. C. (1993). Social psychology in cross-cultural perspective. New York: W. H. Freeman.

This is a good supplementary text for a social psychology course. Many areas of inquiry within a typical social psychology course are discussed from a cross-cultural perspective. A large percentage of the material is based on research conducted outside the United States.

Pettigrew, T. F. (1998). Applying social psychology to international social issues. Journal of Social Issues, 54, 663–675.

This is a good article for use in a social psychology class. The author demonstrates the applicability of social psychology to “real world” international social concerns by blending theoretical issues with a discussion of Kelman’s peace initiatives in the Middle East.

Wosinska, W., Cialdini, R. B., Barrett, D. W., & Reykowski, J. (Eds.). (2001). The practice of social influence in multiple cultures. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

This edited text addresses the many ways in which antecedents of social influence are shaped by culture and draws on research conducted within the United States and around the globe.


Enns, C. Z. (1994). On teaching about the cultural relativism of psychological constructs. Teaching of Psychology, 21, 205–211.

The author examines a variety of psychological constructs impacted by cultural context highlighting the differences between Western individualistic and non-Western collectivist cultures. The author provides techniques for teaching cultural relativism and diversity.

Goldstein, S. B. (2005). Cross-cultural perspectives in the psychology curriculum: Moving beyond “add culture and stir.” In B. Perlman, L. I. McCann, & W.  Buskist, (Eds); Voices of experience: memorable talks from the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, Vol. 1, (pp. 45-57), Washington, DC: American Psychological Society.

This chapter outlines specific strategies for integrating cross-cultural perspectives into the psychology curriculum.  Topics include: identifying sources for cross-cultural perspectives, identifying bias within the cross-cultural literature, and creating a classroom environment conducive to exploring issues of diversity.

Gurung, R. A. R., & Prieto, L. R. (Eds.). (2009). Getting culture: Incorporating diversity across the curriculum. Sterling, VA: Stylus.

This book provides a wide range of resources and strategies for psychology faculty striving to diversify their curricula.  Both course content and pedagogy are addressed.

Hogan, J. D. (1996). International psychology and the undergraduate curriculum: A personal note. Teaching of Psychology, 23, 44–45.

This article provides a rationale and strategies for inclusion of international research within the psychology curriculum.

Hull, D. B. (2001). Teaching students about international psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 28, 29–32.

This article discusses a course designed to introduce students to the field of international psychology.

Leach, M. M. (1997). Training global psychologists: An introduction. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 21, 161–174.

This article argues that in the face of increasing global interconnections and dependencies, psychology may be ill-prepared to meet changing needs unless it addresses its underlying ethnocentrism. The author provides suggestions for various training designs.

Leong, F., Pickren, W., Leach, M., & Marsella, A.J. (2011). (Eds.) Internationalizing the psychology curriculum: Foundations, issues, directions. NY: Springer SBM

Chapters in this edited volume provide recommendations for integrating an international and multicultural perspective across the undergraduate and the graduate psychology curriculum. Areas addressed include: History of psychology; professional and research ethics; developmental psychology; social psychology; personality; gender; clinical and counseling psychology; school psychology; testing and assessment; industrial/organizational psychology; health psychology; and peace psychology.

Leong, F.T.L., Pickren, W.E., Leach, M.M.,& Marsella, A.J. (Eds.). (2012). Internationalizing the psychology curriculum in the United States.New York, NY: Springer.

With the aim of creating more culturally competent practitioners and researchers, this book provides recommendations for internationalizing the graduate curriculum.  Chapters focus on a wide variety of subdisciplines, including:  history of psychology, professional and research ethics, developmental psychology, social psychology, personality, gender psychology, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, school psychology, testing and assessment, industrial/organizational psychology, health psychology, and peace psychology.


Anderson, A. (1999). Feminist psychology and global issues: An action agenda. Women and Therapy, 22, 7–21.

This article argues for greater involvement of feminist psychologists in global issues such as human rights and war.

Beyani, C. (1995). The needs of refugee women: A human-rights perspective. Gender and Development, 3, 29–35.

This author discusses the special needs of refugee and displaced women including sexual exploitation and rape.

Brandt, M. J. (2011). Sexism and gender inequality across 57 societies. Psychological Science, 22(11), 1413-1418. doi:10.1177/0956797611420445

Longitudinal data from 57 societies was analyzed to investigate the relationship between individuals’ sexism and gender inequality on a societal level. Multilevel modeling showed that sexism directly predicted increases in gender inequality.  Possible mechanisms for this effect are outlined.

Chapman, J. R. (1990). Violence against women as a violation of human rights. Social Justice, 17, 54–70.

This article provides data on the severity and extent of violence against women around the world.

Cole, E., Espin, O. M., & Rothblum, E. D. (Eds.). (1992). Refugee women and their mental health: Shattered societies, shattered lives. Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press.

This collection of essays deals with the special needs of women refugees. Written both by mental health care professionals and female refugees (noting that these categories are not mutually exclusive), it includes information concerning the challenges and rewards of work with refugee women, psychological concerns and treatment, and the path to healing.

Cook, R. J. (Ed.). (1994). Human rights of women: National and international perspectives. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

This collection of essays concerning human rights of women includes discussions of domestic violence and female genital mutilation.

Denmark, F. L. (1998). Women and psychology: An international perspective. American Psychologist, 53, 465–473.

The author discusses the results of an international survey of women psychologists and highlights issues such as sexism and antifeminism that remain problems for some individuals around the world.

Disch, E. (2000). Reconstructing gender: A multicultural anthology. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.

This anthology deals with the role of women in society. Although much of this anthology concerns gender in the United States, some selections address the role of women globally.

Dobash, R. E., & Dobash, R. P. (Eds.). (1998). Rethinking violence against women. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

The contributors approach the topic of violence against women from a variety of cross-disciplinary perspectives.

Laditka, S. (Ed.). (2002). Health expectations for older women: International perspectives. New York: Haworth Press.

This text explores older womens' health, well-being, and longevity around the globe.

Lykes, M. B., Brabeck, M. M., Ferns, T., & Radan, A. (1993). Human rights and mental health among Latin American women in situations of state-sponsored violence. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 17, 525–544.

Important work emerged from the efforts of the Division 35 (Psychology of Women) task force on human rights and the mental health of Latin American women living in situations of war or state-sponsored violence or both. Areas of emphasis include refugee and internal displacement issues, the impact of torture, and methods of culturally appropriate intervention.

Magnusson, E., & Marecek, J. (2012). Gender and culture in psychology: Theories and practices. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.  

This book brings together research and theory from feminist psychology, sociocultural psychology, discursive psychology, and critical psychology in order to detail new approaches to the psychological study of gender.

Meyer, M. K. (1998). Negotiating international norms: The Inter-American Commission of Women and the Convention on Violence Against Women. Aggressive Behavior, 24, 135–146.

The author reports on the work of the Inter-American Commission of Women particularly in relation to the passing and implementation of the Convention on Violence Against Women.

Russo, N. F., Pirlott, A. G., & Cohen, A. B. (2012). The psychology of women and gender in international perspective: Issues and challenges.  In F. T. L. Leong, W. E. Pickren, M. M. Leach, & A. J. Marsella  (Eds.). Internationalizing the psychology curriculum in the United States (pp. 157-178).  New York, NY: Springer.

This chapter discusses universal and culture-specific aspects of gender, presents a summary of the cross-cultural literature on the psychology of women and gender, and provides a variety of print and Internet resources for internationalizing the psychology of gender curriculum. 

Additional Resources

APA Division 52 -- International Psychology

APA Division 52-Administration Office

American Psychological Association

750 First Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002-4242

International Academy of Intercultural Research

This site provides information on intercultural publications, organizations, conferences, and graduate programs.

International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology

This site contains a wide variety of teaching and scholarly resources , including undergraduate and graduate syllabi, books and projects by IACCP members, and lists of films and activities.

Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology

Within this resource, in the categories of International Psychology and Diversity, readers will find the following content:

  • International Psychology: A Compendium of Textbooks for Selected Courses Evaluated for International Content
  • International Psychology: Annotated Bibliography, Relevant Organizations, and Course Suggestions
  • Psychology of Peace and Mass violence -- Genocide, Torture, and Human Rights: Informational Resources
  • Psychology of Peace and Mass Violence -- War, Ethnopolitical Conflict, and Terrorism: Informational Resources
  • Psychology of Peace and Mass Violence: Instructional Resources
  • Understanding and Expanding Multicultural Competence in Teaching: A Faculty Guide
    Informational Resources for Teaching Cross-Cultural Issues in Psychology
  • Activities and Videos for Teaching Cross-Cultural Issues in Psychology

Online Readings in Psychology and Culture

A large number of readings by well-known cross-cultural scholars  on a wide variety of topics across areas of psychology.
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