This bibliography describes resources that faculty and administrators can use to support diversity efforts on their campus. Topics include career advice, strategies for diversifying the faculty or student body, mentoring, role models, and resistance. Thanks to Katherine Ong for her assistance with compiling and annotating these resources.
See also:
STP Faculty Recruitment and Retention Resources
Includes print and online resources, information about practices at specific institutions, and links to support programs.
Books and Reports
Aquirre, A. & Martinez, R. (2007). Diversity leadership in higher education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Provides an overview of diversity leadership roles and practices in higher education. Focuses on challenges of diversity leadership with particular emphasis on racial and ethnic minorities.
Chun, E. B. & Evans, A. (2009). Bridging the diversity divide: Globalization and reciprocal empowerment in higher education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
A practical guide for educators and campus leaders that provides strategies for the development of an inclusive and diverse campus. Research-based strategies included in this series of reports provide assistance in assessing current practices, developing effective action plans, and moving toward reciprocal empowerment.
Collins, L. H., Chrisler, J. C., & Quina, K. (Eds.). (1998). Career strategies for women in academe: Arming Athena. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
As the editor’s note in the “Introduction,” the purpose of this book is to provide savvy advice about what to expect in an academic career. The chapters provide information about institutional problems in academia, coupled with sage advice about handling difficult situations. The book is divided into 4 sections: “The Current Status of Women in Academe,” “Women’s Roles and Career Decisions,” “Assuming Leadership in Higher Education,” and “Taking Charge and Taking Care”. Collectively, the chapters serve as an excellent resource for new and established scholars.
Cook, B. J. & Cordova, D. I. (2007). Minorities in higher education, Twenty-second annual status report: 2007 supplement. Washington, D.C.: American Council on Education.
The 22nd edition summarizes the status of racial and ethnic minorities in American higher education including: high school completion, college statistics, and higher education employment. This edition has data from 1995–2005.
Dean, D., Bracken, S. J., & Allen, J. K. (2009). Women in academic leadership: Professional strategies, personal choices. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Provides insight into barriers facing women of all ethnicities and outlines strategies and choices by women to overcome these obstacles. The authors detail how women develop a sense of self-efficacy, cultivate opportunity, and maintain authentic selves in a male-dominated environment.
DiversityInc. (2004). Factoids and style guide. New Brunswick, NJ: Diversity Media.
This reference book is arranged according to race, gender, and sexual orientation. It includes demographics, politics, education, and best practices. It has a reference list that may make it useful for further research. It also has tips on current, appropriate words and phrase.
Evans, A. & Chun, E. B. (2007). Are the walls really down: Behavioral and organizational barriers to faculty and staff diversity. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
This report examines the relationship between affirmative action and diversity. It presents a model for inclusion based on the concept of reciprocal empowerment.
Feagin, J. R. (2002). The continuing significance of racism: U.S. colleges and universities. Washington, DC: American Council on Education, Office of Minorities in Higher Education.
Discusses the social climate in college campuses including graduation rates of underrepresented groups, rates of attendance, and success in graduate programs.
Harvey, W. B., & Valadez, J. (Eds.). (1994). Creating and maintaining a diverse faculty. New Directions for Community Colleges, 84, 1-104.
This has a collection of articles relating to African-American and Hispanic faculty at the community college level. It includes a few articles on recruitment and retention of minority faculty.
Hornig, L. S. (2008). Equal rites, unequal outcomes: Women in American research universities. New York: Springer.
Based on a conference at Harvard University, this book focuses on women faculty employed at research universities. It identifies and breaks down approaches to increasing the number of positions available for women in research institutions.
Kaplan, M. & Miller, A. T. (2007). Scholarship of multicultural teaching and learning. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.
Addresses current approaches to multicultural teaching and learning. This volume is targeted toward new and experienced practitioners of multicultural teaching and features a section on faculty social identities and issues surrounding authority in the classroom.
Lambert, J. & Myers, S. (2009). The diversity training activity book: 50 activities for promoting communication and understanding at work. Saranac Lake, NY: AMACOM.
Targeted at meeting a variety of diversity training needs, this book is composed of basic activities to teach educators how to manage a culturally diverse workforce and deals with cultural and gender issues in the workplace.
Mio, J. S., & Awakuni, G. I. (2000). Resistance to multiculturalism: Issues and interventions. Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.
This book addresses resistance to the multicultural movement. Two of the chapters were written from an administrator's perspective, discussing resistance that administrator has seen among other administrators and also resistance in multicultural program implementation.
Moody, J. (2004). Faculty diversity: Problems and solutions. New York: Routledge Falmer.
This book points out that ethnic majority faculty has a big part in recruiting and retaining ethnic minority faculty. It illustrates advantages of being faculty who is of ethnic majority and disadvantages of being in the minority. It also differentiates between immigrant and non-immigrant minorities. The author claims that non-immigrant minorities have greater barriers in academia as well as outside academia. This book provides solutions to undo disadvantages and provides advice on good practices as well as their application. It also gives recruiting and retaining advice, as well as advice on mentoring relationships between majority faculty and non-tenured minority faculty. This practical book addresses campus diversity from many perspectives, including that of a minority professor on a majority campus (Chapter 1), good practices in recruitment (Chapter 4), retention (Chapter 5), and mentoring (Chapter 6). Part III includes chapters for discussion, analysis, and practice, addressing topics such as “why diversity the faculty?” (Chapter 8), bad practices (Chapter 9), and new practices and new visions (Chapter 8).
Moody, J. (2005). Rising above cognitive errors: Guidelines for search, tenure review, and other evaluation committees [Booklet].
This monograph provides guidelines for committees who are in search of faculty, reviewing for tenure, and evaluating faculty. The author lists cognitive mistakes committed by committees along the process such as stereotyping. It also lists six dysfunctions that lead to more cognitive errors such as rushing and overloading the committees. The author gives solutions to avoid cognitive errors and dysfunctions as well as provide case study for analysis and practice. To order
Moody, J. (2007). Rising above cognitive errors: Guidelines for search, tenure review, and other evaluation committees[Booklet].
This monograph provides guidelines for committees who are in search of faculty, reviewing for tenure, and evaluating faculty. The author lists cognitive mistakes made by committees throughout these process, such as stereotyping. It also lists six dysfunctions that lead to more cognitive errors such as rushing and overloading the committees. The author gives solutions to avoid cognitive errors and dysfunctions and provides case study for analysis and practice. To order
Murrell, A. J., Crosby, F. J., & Ely, R. J. (1999). Mentoring dilemmas: Developmental relationships within multicultural organizations. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
As the title suggests, this edited book focuses on mentoring and its positive effect on the success of ethnic minorities and women in organizational settings.
Reid, L. D., & Radhakrishnan, P. (2003). Race matters: The relation between race and general campus climate. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 9(3), 263-275.
Replicating previous research, results showed that racial minority students perceive a more negative campus climate than do white students. Further, it shows that students’ perceptions of the general campus climate are closely related to their beliefs about the academic climate. This article may be helpful in raising awareness about differences in how White students and minority students perceive their environment.
Reskin, B. R. (1998). The realities of Affirmative Action in employment. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association.
This book contains systematic and empirically-based studies on the effects of Affirmative Action in employment. It explains how Affirmative Action works, policies, purpose, and procedures to equalize opportunities. It illustrates how scientific research suggests that discriminatory barriers to equal employment are reduced by Affirmative Action. This book also includes diverse perspectives from those affected by Affirmative Action. Lastly, this book shows how research findings can be used in equal employment policies.
Seldin, P., Miller, J. E., & Seldin, C. A. (2010). The teaching portfolio: A practical guide to improved performance and promotion/ tenure decisions. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Practical guide which comprehensively overviews how to develop a teaching portfolio. This book provides current perspectives, expands the section on web-based teaching portfolios, and offers samples of twenty-one teaching portfolios.
Thiederman, S. (2008). Making diversity work: 7 steps for defeating bias in the workplace. New York, NY: Kaplan.
An expert in the field discusses diversity in the workplace and strategies to improve functioning in a diverse workplace, challenge and overcome biased attitudes, confront and minimize fears underlying biases, and overcome conflict related to diversity issues.
Thomas, K. M. (2005). Diversity dynamics in the workplace. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
This highly accessible book offers insights into how organizational structure and dynamics can influence the work environment. Although the author addresses organizations generally, the concepts can easily be applied to academic settings. Topics addressed include recruitment (Chapter 2), socialization and newcomer experience (Chapter 4), the influence of diversity on group dynamics (Chapter 5), stressors in a diverse workplace (Chapter 8), and developing multicultural leaders (Chapter 9). The book has a strong applied emphasis and includes many specific suggestions for improving the organizational climate.
Thomas, K. M. (2007). Diversity resistance in organizations. Florence, KY: Psychology Press.
This book focuses on the resistance to change and diversity within organizations. Topics include harassment and hate crimes in the workplace, understanding and defusing resistance to diversity training and learning, and case examples of resistance to diversity in organizations.
Turner, C. S. V. (2002). Diversifying the faculty: A guidebook for search committees. Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges and Universities.
This guidebook has recommendations and suggestions for faculty search committees in searching, recruiting, and hiring faculty of color. Most suggestions come from faculty of color. It focuses on the process of searching and hiring junior-level faculty but it may be applicable to other ranks. This book also has annotated bibliographies for further research.
Turner, C. S. V., & Myers, S. L., Jr. (2000). Faculty of color in academe: Bittersweet success. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
This book illustrates inequalities in teaching institutions based on ethnic differences, based on experiences by faculty of color from eight mid-western states. This gives recommendations on how to successfully recruit and keep faculty of color, as well as how institutions can develop a diverse group of faculty.
Wilds, D.J. (2000). Minorities in higher education, 1999-2000: Seventh annual status report. Washington, D.C.: American Council on Education.
The 21st edition summarizes the status of racial and ethnic minorities in American higher education including: high school completion, college statistics, and higher education employment. This edition has data from 1991–2001.
Book Chapters
Billingslea, A. J. & Gonzalez de Allen, G. J. (2008). Discourses of diversity at Spelman College. In W. R. Brown-Galude (Ed.) Doing diversity in higher education, faculty leaders share challenges and strategies (pp. 39-60). Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University.
Faculty leaders from diverse backgrounds examine the role faculty play in improving diversity on campus. Offers insight into how to tackle diversity issues to help improve hostile microclimates, enhance accomplishments, and work in collaboration with administrators.
De la Luz Reyes, M., & Halcon, J. (1991). Practices of the academy: Barriers to access for Chicano academics. In P. G. Altback & K. Lomotrey (Eds.), The racial crisis in American higher education (pp. 167–186). Albany: State University of New York Press.
Ethnic minority faculty members often find that their choices to publish in "ethnic minority" publications and outlets are not valued as much as more "traditional" publications. Therefore, such faculty members are often put in a position of trying to reach the most important population versus trying to get tenure by publishing in journals not typically read by affected populations.
Garza, H. (1993). Second-class academics: Chicano/Latino faculty in U.S. universities. In J. Gainen & R. Boice (Eds.), Building a diverse faculty (pp. 33–42). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
This chapter discusses the dilemmas many Latinos face because ethnic minority (particularly Latino) students may require more mentoring and these faculty members are expected to provide all or most of the mentoring of these students, yet they are not given sufficient administrative support nor credit towards tenure.
Niemann, Y. F. (2003). The psychology of tokenism: Psychosocial realities of faculty of color. In G. Bernal, J. E. Trimble, A. K. Burlew, & F. T. L. Leong (Eds.), Handbook of racial and ethnic minority psychology (pp. 100–118). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
This chapter discusses the definition and effects of tokenism. Quite often, ethnic minorities feel that they were only hired in their present positions to demonstrate advancing a multicultural agenda within organizations. However, sometimes these individuals experience marginalization or a sense that they were not needed except to fill the organizations "quota" of ethnic minorities, particularly at administrative levels.
Journal Articles
Barker, M. (2011). Racial context, currency and connections: Black doctoral student and white advisor perspectives on cross-race advising. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 48(4), 387-400. doi:10.1080/14703297.2011.617092
This article explores advising relationships between Black doctoral students and their White advisors. Issues addressed include: (1) the role of race in context, (2) race as leverage and/or liability, and (3) the importance of same-race connections. Implications for doctoral student retention, faculty development, and graduate advising and mentoring are discussed.
Byrd, D., Razani, J., Suarez, P., Lafosse, J. M., Manly, J., & Attix, D. K. (2010). Diversity summit 2008: Challenges in the recruitment and retention of ethnic minorities in neuropsychology. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 24(8), 1279-1291. doi:10.1080/13854046.2010.521769
The Diversity Summit addressed challenges faced in working toward the goal of creating a more ethnically diverse body of neuropsychologists by increasing the recruitment of ethnic minority students to neuropsychology training programs.
Chandler, D. R. (2011). Proactively addressing the shortage of Blacks in psychology: Highlighting the school psychology subfield. Journal of Black Psychology, 37(1), 99-127. doi:10.1177/0095798409359774
Discusses survey data collected from Black students and a small number of Black faculty with the aim of identifying strategies for recruiting and retaining Black students and professionals. Specific areas of inquiry included (a) effective recruitment and retention strategies, (b) being the vast minority in school/work settings, and (c) counselor race-ethnicity.
Diggs, G. A., Garrison-Wade, D. F., & Estrada, D. (2009). Smiling faces and colored spaces: The experiences of faculty of color pursing tenure in the academy. Urban Review, 41, 312-333.
This article reviews existing literature on the topic of recruitment and retention of faculty from various cultural backgrounds. Barriers faced by faculty from diverse backgrounds seeking tenure are discussed including marginalization, racism, and sexism.
Driscoll, L. G., Parkes, K. A., Tilley-Lubbis, Gresilda, & Brill, J. M. et al. (2009). Navigating the lonely sea: Peer mentoring and collaboration among aspiring women scholars. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in learning, 17, 5-21.
Explores the narratives of female faculty prior to the tenure process and their experiences with mentors. Negative experiences with the traditional dyadic mentoring approach are contrasted with the positive effects of peer mentoring between pre-tenure female faculty.
Ek, L. D., Cerecer, P. D. Q., Alanís, I., & Rodríguez, M. A. (2010). “I don’t belong here”: Chicanas/Latinas at a Hispanic serving institution creating community through muxerista mentoring. Equity & Excellence in Education, 43(4), 539-553. doi:10.1080/10665684.2010.510069
Describes the work of Chicana/Latina junior faculty at a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) who created a research collaborative, Research for the Educational Advancement of Latin@s (REAL). Strategies to reduce racism and sexism in academia and increase the retention, tenure, and promotion of Chicana/Latina faculty are discussed, including the implementation of peer "muxerista mentoring."
Gasman, M., Kim, J., & Nguyen, T. (2011). Effectively recruiting faculty of color at highly selective institutions: A school of education case study. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 4(4), 212-222. doi:10.1037/a0025130
This article describes the process undertaken by the authors to identify policies and practices effective in recruiting and hiring faculty of color in one school of education. After reviewing the relevant literature they conducted a case study based on the analysis of institutional data on faculty recruitment practices over a period of five years and conducted qualitative interviews with past search committee chairs, school administrators, and recently hired faculty of color.
Griffin, K. A., & Muniz, M. M. (2011). The strategies and struggles of graduate diversity officers in the recruitment of doctoral students of color. Equity & Excellence in Education, 44(1), 57-76. doi:10.1080/10665684.2011.540961
This qualitative study of 14 graduate diversity officers (GDOs) across 11 research universities explores the role of faculty and institutional policies in efforts to increase graduate diversity.
Halcomb-McCoy, C. & Bradley, C. Recruitment and retention of ethnic minority counselor educators: An exploratory study of CACREP-accredited counseling programs. Counselor Education and Supervision, 42, 231–243.
The researchers surveyed 73 Counsel for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs liaisons and found that many programs do not have strategies for recruitment and retention of underrepresented faculty.
Kite, M. E., Russo, N. F., Brehm, S. S., Fouad, N. A., Hall, C. I., Hyde, J. S., & Keita, G. P. (2001). Women psychologists in academe: Mixed progress, unwarranted complacency. American Psychologist, 56, 1080–1098.
Addresses the progress women have made in academic psychology and points to areas where improvement is needed. Includes many practical suggestions for departments and administrators wishing to improve their institutional climate for women.
Maton, K. I., Wimms, H. E., Grant, S. K., Wittig, M. A., Rogers, M. R., & Vasquez, M. J. T. (2011). Experiences and perspectives of African American, Latina/o, Asian American, and European American psychology graduate students: A national study. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 17(1), 68-78. doi:10.1037/a0021668
This article presents the results of a large web-based survey of African American, Latina/o, Asian American, and European American psychology graduate students. Findings indicated that mentoring was the strongest predictor of satisfaction across groups. Other important factors, including academic supports and barriers, and perceptions of diversity are also discussed.
Owen, D. (2009). Privileged social identities and diversity leadership in higher education. The Review of Higher Education, 32, 185-207.
This paper discusses the desirability and effectiveness of diversity leaders with privileged identities. The author concludes that -- depending on the leader’s understanding of oppression, the history of the institution, and the socio-historical context of the university -- appointment of diversity leaders with privileged identities can be effective.
Reyes, M. (2011). Unique challenges for women of color in STEM transferring from community colleges to universities. Harvard Educational Review, 81(2), 241-262.
Describes strategies for addressing the challenges faced by women of color in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) as they transfer from community colleges to universities.
Stotzer, R. L., & Hossellman, E. (2012). Hate crimes on campus: Racial/ethnic diversity and campus safety. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 27(4), 644-661. doi:10.1177/0886260511423249
This study explored the impact of racial diversity on campus climate in terms of the reported number of hate crimes that occur on campus. Results indicated that schools that are most successful in recruiting the hardest to recruit minorities (Black and Latino students) report fewer hate crimes on campus.
Sy, S. R., Fong, K., Carter, R., Boehme, J., & Alpert, A. (2011). Parent support and stress among first-generation and continuing-generation female students during the transition to college. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice, 13(3), 383-398. doi:10.2190/CS.13.3.g
Survey data was used to compare first-generation and continuing-generation female college students in terms of: (a) level of parents' emotional and informational support; (b) level of students' stress; and (c) the relationship between both types of parent support and students' stress during the transition to college.
Results indicated that first-generation students who perceive higher levels of parent emotional support have less stress than those who do not, but that first-generation students perceive less emotional and informational parent support than do continuing generation students.
Web Sites and Other Resources
American Psychological Association Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs
This office offers several publications that address how administrators can support diversity issues on their campus. Many are free, but there is a nominal charge for some.
American Psychological Association. (2002). Guidelines on multicultural education, training, research, practice, and organizational change for psychologists. Retrieved on February 12, 2007 from
This literature provides guidelines for addressing multiculturalism and diversity, information about current terminology, and references.
Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention, and Training in Psychology. (n.d.). How to recruit and hire ethnic minority faculty. Retrieved on February 12, 2007 from
This site has information on considerations in hiring ethnic minorities, preparing and circulating position announcements, selection, and recruiting.
The Pipeline
The Pipeline is a semi-annual newsletter providing information on the APA/National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) minority recruitment and retention project.
Figueroa-Garcia, A., Goodwin, K., Skourtes, S., & Hollida, B. G. (1998, March). Psychology education and careers #1: Guidebook for high school students of color. Retrieved February 9, 2007, from
This guidebook introduces high school students to the psychology field. It includes general information on the different areas of psychology.
Figueroa-Garcia, A., Goodwin, K., Skourtes, S., & Hollida, B. G. (1998, March). Psychology education and careers #2: Guidebook for college students of color. Retrieved February 9, 2007, from
This guidebook provides information for ethnic minority college students who are interested in psychology about steps they can take towards a career in psychology.
Committee of Students Concerned With Ethnic Issues (March, 1998). Psychology education and careers #3: Guidebook for college students of color applying to graduate and professional programs. Retrieved February 9, 2007, from
This guidebook provides tips for ethnic minority college students on applying to graduate schools in psychology.
Myers, H. F., Hailstorks, R. J., Leung, P., McCarty, R., Miranda, M., Singleton, E. G., Smedley, B. D., & Wohlford, P. (1998, March). Psychology Education and Careers #4: Resources for Psychology Training Programs Recruiting Students of Color. Retrieved February 9, 2007, from
Psychology Education and Careers (Numbers 1–4), provide advice to high school students of color (#1), college students of color (#2 and #3), and resources of psychology training programs recruiting students of color (#4).
Committee on Women in Psychology and APA Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention, and Training in Psychology (n.d.). Surviving and thriving in academia: A guide for women and ethnic minorities. Retrieved February 9, 2007 from,
This site is a survival guide for women and ethnic minorities in the academia. It includes such information as strategies for maximizing chances for promotion and tenure, strategies for coping with negative feedback, and strategies for facing adversities.
Office on Ethnic Minority Affairs. (n.d.). Valuing diversity in faculty: A guide. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from
This site provides information on increasing faculty diversity, problems and solutions in diversification efforts, and actions for implementing diversity.
Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention, and Training in Psychology (1997, January). Visions and transformation: The final report of the APA Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment and Retention in Psychology. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from
Clowney, C. (n.d.). Best practices in recruiting and retaining diverse faculty. Retrieved on June 12, 2006 from
A PowerPoint presentation on recruiting and retaining diverse faculty. Topics include: demographic trends, legal issues, challenges and barriers, and best practices.
Baez, B. (2000, October). Diversity and its contradictions. Academe Online. Retrieved May 9, 2007 from
The author examines the question of what diversity is and why it is so important for higher education.
Ingle, G. (2005, October). Will your campus diversity initiative work? Academe Online. Retrieved May 9, 2007 from
This article provides helpful hints for ensuring that your campus diversity initiatives will be successful.
Commission on Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention, and Training in Psychology. Toward an inclusive psychology: Infusing the introductory psychology textbook with diversity content. Retrieved February 12, 2007, from
Tips and guidelines on how instructors can incorporate diversity (gender, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, and age) into psychological topics.
DiversityWorks, Inc. (2005). “New Paradigms for Diversifying Faculty and Staff in Higher Education, Video and Workbook”. Retrieved February 12, 2007 from
This is a 75-minute video with a workbook to help higher education institutions recruit, hire, and retain diverse employees. The video and workbook includes resources, recommendations, discussion questions, and new theories on hiring and retention.
Multicultural Pavilion
The Multicultural Pavilion has links to various activities, lesson plans, and workshops primarily for teachers, instructors, and educators to promote multicultural understanding. It includes links to ice-breakers, strategies and preparation, and introspective activities.
Faculty for the Future
Faculty for the Future is another database where ethnic minority faculty or individuals seeking academic positions or research positions in universities may post their resumes and vitas. Institutions may also post open positions.
Diversity at UCLA
This UCLA Web site has resources to address campus diversity. It has search engines and links to other resources from other universities and organizations. This includes links to help faculty search committees in recruiting diverse faculty.
Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology
Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology compiled reading materials and resources concerning diversity issues including: war, peace, and genocides, diversity in psychology, sexual orientation, faculty guide to multicultural competence, and resources in teaching cross-cultural issues in psychology. Most materials are downloadable PDFs.
Minority and Women Doctoral Directory
Minority and Women Doctoral Directory is a database with information on employment candidates who have recently received, or are soon to receive, a Doctoral or Master's degree in more than 80 fields. It currently has 4,500 Black, Hispanic, American Indian, Asian American, and female students. Its purpose is to help institution find minority and women candidates for faculty and/or professional positions.
Diversity and Ethnic Studies Recommended Websites and Research Guides
This Web site hosted by Iowa State University has links to African American, American Indian, Asian American, U.S. Latino, LGBT, and multicultural resources. The site provides a variety of links to electronic journals, electronic magazines, government sites, and library references categorized according to minority status.
National Minority Faculty ID
The purpose of the National Minority Faculty ID Program is to help ethnic minorities find positions in academic institutions and vice versa. For a fee, it allows institutions to view the candidates’ vitas.
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Diversity Fund
This site has links and information about the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Diversity Fund which provide travel awards for graduate students from underrepresented groups to attend the SPSP conference. The site also has links for undergraduates to learn more about obtaining a registration award. It provides information about the SPN Mentorship Program for students from underrepresented groups; students can search through a mentor database. This site also provides links to GLBT resources and other resources for minorities.
The College of Redwoods Multicultural and Diversity Curriculum
The College of Redwoods Multicultural and Diversity Curriculum has numerous links to other sites about multicultural and diversity issues. Links include: current events, information for kids, multicultural and diversity curriculum, professional organization and employment resources, research on racism, and much more. The link about professional organization has further links about women in the sciences.
UVA's Provost's Tutorial Resources
This site hosted by the University of Virginia lists references associated with a wide range of recruitment and retention topics, including: Recent court decisions, benefits of diversity and diverse faculty, good practices for search committee members, developing and writing the job description, inadvertent gender bias in candidate evaluation, retention plan, and after the search.
Support Programs
Arizona State University Graduate College Diversity Programs
Diversity Support programs for minority doctoral students.
You can search for grants or funds to promote faculty diversity. Grants have come up in search results for “faculty + diversity” or “faculty + teach.”
Hispanic Theological Initiative
This site has information about awards and scholarships for Latino/a students and scholars in doctoral programs. It also has information about networking and mentoring.
Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois
The purpose of this program is to increase the number of underrepresented faculty in higher education in Illinois. This site has some information and application for the fellowship program.
The PhD Project
This organization’s purpose is to support minority students who are interested in becoming faculty in business. This site has numerous links to scholarships and funding for minorities interested in becoming business faculty.
Southern Regional Education Board
The purpose of this organization is to support minority doctoral students who are intending on pursuing a career in academia. The Doctoral Scholars Award and Dissertation Year Award each award $15,000 annual stipend.
University of Wisconsin's Institute on Race and Ethnicity
The University of Wisconsin's Institute on Race and Ethnicity Grants & Fellowships opportunities for their faculty.