Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association

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  • Past GWH and HKW Speakers

APA Distinguished Scholar Lectures for Teaching

Visit here for information about the Harry Kirke Wolfe Lecture series


Michele Hebl - (Postponed from 2022: Title to be announced)

NOTE:  The APA Board of Educational Affairs changed the name of the lecture series in 2022 from the G. Stanley Hall Lectures to the APA Distinguished Scholar Lectures for Teaching


Apryl Alexander - Teaching for Social Justice: Advocacy & Public Scholarship in Psychology
(Second lecture postponed until 2023)


Mitch Prinstein - The Science of Peer Popularity
Melissa Terlecki - Metacognition for Everyone: Self-awareness for Success


As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the speakers chose to cancel their presentations or postpone to 2021.


Daniel Willingham - Teaching Critical Thinking: A Cognitive Perspective
Anthony Puente - Neuropsychology: Where Psychology Started and Where It Should Go


Brad Bushman - Blood, Gore, and Video Games: Effects of Violent Content on Players
Jean Twenge -  iGen: Reaching Today's Students


John Jost - A Theory of System Justification
Scott Plous - Does Social Justice Extend to Animals?


Janet K. Swim - Environmental Psychology in the Dawn of the 21st Century
Marie T. Banich - Mind & Brain: Core Concepts and Emerging Ideas in Cognitive Neuroscience


Michael J. Kane - Where's the "Work" in Working Memory?
Steve Joordens - Concrete Approaches to the Teaching of Soft Skills: Creating and Validating Technologies that Develop Our Students’ Abilities to Think and Communicate Effectively


Michael Dougher - Modern Behavioral Therapies
Lori James - Memory Deficits


Matthew T. Feldner - Comorbidity in Psychology: Moving from a Footnote to the Foreground
Lisa Diamond - Teaching about Sexuality and Sexual Orientation


David M. Buss - Why Students Love Evolutionary Psychology . . . and How to Teach It
Christine Chiarello - Brain Organization for Language: It’s All in the Network(s)
Daniel L. Schacter - The Seven Sins of Memory: An Update


Joseph E. Trimble - An Attentive Exploration of Ethnic Identification Perspectives and Influences on Change, Measurement, and Theory
Roy F. Baumeister - The Why, What, and How of Human Consciousness
Gregory J. Madden - Behavioral Economics, Impulsivity, and Health Decision Making


Rex L. Forehand - Advances in the Understanding and Treatment of Child Psychopathology: A Conceptual Framework and Overview for Teachers of Psychology
Hazel Rose Markus - Does Choice Mean Freedom and Well-being?
Alicia M. Alvero - “Apples & Oranges?” Are Organizational Behavior Management and Industrial-Organizational Psychology really so different?


Mary Kite - "The more things change...": Teaching About Stereotyping and Prejudice
David Barlow - 
Diagnoses, Dimensions, DSM V, and Evidence Based Psychological Treatments: A View to the Future
Alexandra Rutherford - Culture and Controversy: Situating B. F. Skinner in Psychology’s History


Stephen T. Higgins - Reinforcement and Substance Use Disorders
Peter Salovey – Emotional Intelligence: Is There Anything To It?
Wendy M. Williams – Do Women Scientists Get the Credit They Deserve?


Mahzarin R. Banaji - Unconscious Social Cognition: Research, Teaching, and Self-Discovery
Saul Kassin - Why Innocents Confess: Insights from the Psychology Research Laboratory
Stephen Sumoi - Up-tight, Laid-back, and Jumpy Monkeys


Susan Folkman - Positive Emotions in the Stress Process: Should We Care?
Nora S. Newcombe - 
Uses and Abuses of Evolutionary Psychology
Daniel J. Simons - Failures of Visual Awareness


Barbara Fredrickson - What Good are Positive Emotions?
Daniel J. Povinelli - 
What's Human about the Human Mind?
Barry Schwartz - The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less


Jessica Henderson Daniel - Teaching about Race and Ethnicity: Focus on Learning about Human Beings
Dan C. McAdams - The Redemptive Self: Generativity and the Stories Americans Live By
Tom Pyszczynski Why Do We Need What We Need? Searching for the Motive Beneath the Motives


Tiffany M. Field - Touch Therapy Research
C. R. Snyder - Questioning Hope and Finding Positive Psychology Answers
Timothy D. Wilson - Affective Forecasting and the Pleasures of Uncertainty


Joshua Aronson - Narrowing the Minority-White Achievement Gap: Lessons Learned From Psychology
Martha McClintock - Biology and Emotion
Roxane Cohen Silver - Thinking Critically on Coping With Life's Traumas


Thomas Blass - History
Nancy Eisengerg - Developmental
Drew Westen - Personality


Alice Eagly -  Prejudice: A Social Role Analysis
K. Anders Eriksson - Capturing the Essence of Excellence: An Expert-Performance Perspecive on Intelligence
James Nairne - Teaching Myths About Memory


Carol Dweck - Motivation and the Self
Sara Kiesler - The Internet and the Family
Edwin Locke - Understanding Motivation by Studying Conscious Goals: A 35-Year Odyssey


David Barlow - The Future of Psychotherapy
Leda Cosmides, - Evolutionary Psychology
Wayne Viney - A Larger Canopy for Psychology: Unifying Themes in Pragmatic Empiricism


Christina Maslach - Wild Card/Burnout
David Matsumoto - Diversity/Emotion
Jerre Levy - Physiological


Robert Sternberg - Successful Intelligence
Harry Triandis - Social/Culture
Brian Little - Personality


Michael Domjan - Learning and Behavior Systems
Christine C. Iijima Hall - 
The Growing Obsolescence of Psychology in the Diverse U.S. Population
Susan Krauss Whitbourne - Identity and Changes with Age


Lillian Comas-Diaz - Diversity/Clinical
Dennis Sacuzzo - Testing
Margaret Matlin - Sensation and Perception
Robert Cialdini  Social


Alexander Astin - Adult Development and Intelligence
Kurt Danziger - Research and Methodology
Robert Guthrie - History
Elizabeth Capaldi - Motivation and Emotion
LaRue Allen - Teaching


Emily Sue Savage-Rumbaugh - Comparative
Frank J. Landy - Industrial/Organizational
David S. Holmes - Abnormal
Blythe Clinchy - Psychology of Women
Thomas V. McGovern - Teaching/Curriculum

NOTE:  Beginning in 1992, a committee of Division 2 selected the lecturers; prior to that year, a committee in the American Psychological Association selected the lecturers. 


David Myers - Social
Diane Halpern - Teaching
Janet Hyde - Gender
Michael Posner - Cognitive
Mark Ware - Teaching


Arnold Buss - Personality
Irene Hulicka - Developmental
Charles Brewer - Teaching
Jeffrey Rubin - Peace/Conflict
Howard Rachlin - Learning


Linda Bartoshuk - Sensation and Perception
K. Carson - Assessment in I/O
Larwrence Wrightsman - Psychology and Law
Ludy Benjamin - Teaching


Carroll Izard - Emotion
Laurel Furumoto - History
Martin Seligman - Clinical
Michael Mahoney - Sport Psychology
Richard Mayer - Teaching


Leonard Goodstein - Social Psychology of Work
Donald Dewsbury - Comparative
Richard Suinn - Abnormal
Richard Brislin - Culture and Ethnicity
William Cashin - Evaluation of Teaching


Elizabeth Rice Allgeier - Sexual Interactions
Elliot Aronson - Prejudice
Timothy Jay - Computers
Gary Schwartz - Personality and Health
Henry Ellis - Memory


William Crano - Research Methodology
Robert Hogan - Personality
Ellen Reese - Learning
Susan Saegert - Environmental
Wilbert McKeachie - Teaching


Duane Rumbaugh - Comparative
Jerome Kagan - Developmental
Anne Anastasi - Testing
N. Dickon Repucci - Public Policy
Douglas Bloomquist - Sensation and Perception


Russell Geen - Motivation
Sandra Scarr - Intelligence
Nancy Schlossberg - Developmental
Michael Wertheimer - History
Gordon Wood - Research Methodology


Paul Thayer - Industrial/Organizational
Florence Denmark - Psychology of Women
Irwon Sarason - Abnormal
K. E. Moyer - Physiological
Rochel Gelman - Cognitive


Carolyn Wood Sherif - Social
Lee Shulman - Educational Psychology
Elizabeth Loftus - Memory
Dan Stokols- Environmental
Donn Byrne - Human Sexuality


Gregory Kimble - Learning and Memory
David Elkind - Language Development and Cognition
Walter Mischel - Personality
Jerome Singer - Clinical
Wilse Webb - Sleep and Dreams

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