The Teaching of Psychology Incubator (TOPInc): An ACT Pre-Conference Workshop
Sponsored by the Society for the Teaching of Psychology
Mentors: Garth Neufeld, Eric Landrum, Jane Halonen, Jordan Troisi
The Society for the Teaching of Psychology announces the second Teaching of Psychology Incubator (TOPInc). Like a business incubator, TOPInc will help individuals develop and accelerate ideas they have for non-traditional scholarly impact. We invite all teachers of psychology to join us for this free pre-conference workshop.
TOPInc will allow a small group of registrants, who have ideas for things like starting conferences, blogs, social media presences, podcasts, books, articles, camps, community programs, or resources related to teaching psychology, to sit down with experienced innovators who will share expertise in the following areas:
- Generating and Building Ideas
- Clarifying Purpose
- Targeting Audience Project Promotion
- Project Funding
Project Dissemination
Networking and Partnerships
Technology Basics (e.g., starting a website)
Marketing and Capturing Audience
Mentoring and Advising
Whether ideas are at the very beginning, middle, or end of development, workshop mentors will help move innovators toward more defined and ultimately successful and sustainable plans for their projects. By the end of TOPInc, workshop attendees will have clarity about their projects as well as solid next steps.
TOPInc will take place at the ACT conference hotel on Thursday, October 20th, 2022 from 1pm- 5pm. It is limited to the first 10 registrants who will work closely with TOPInc mentors.
Following the workshop, registrants will be asked to submit a 250-500-word update on the project by June 1, 2023.
Register for TOPInc
If you are interested being a part of the Teaching of Psychology Incubator, please register now. The registration process requires you to upload a 250-500-word summary of your idea for a non-traditional contribution to the field. As a part of that summary, please address what you see as the major challenges/concerns you have about the idea.
Register now! In 2019, these spots filled in the first week of being opened.
Since registration for TOPInc is free, and since there are only a limited numbers of spaces, we ask that you only register for TOPInc if you are i) already registered for ACT, and ii) have made travel arrangements to be on time for the beginning of the workshop, at 1pm (Eastern).
Please Note: If TOPInc fills, please add your name to the waitlist. Previously, we added some of the individuals who signed up on the waitlist.
Pictures and Testimonials from TOPInc
"Thank you for creating the Teaching of Psychology Incubator! You know you’ve done something great when everyone in the room wants more. I appreciate the wisdom and personal experiences each of you shared with us. I also appreciate the genuine encouragement you provided everyone in the room."
"[B]ecause so many of us work in places where we are the only 'teaching person,' we really need this space to bounce ideas around with like-minded people who have already tread the paths we are considering."
"When planning an event such as this, it is imperative to gain the participation of experts in the field and have a lively discussion among attendees. Your willingness to share your time and expertise in the area of teaching psychology was critical to the success of this preconference."