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These syllabi have been reviewed by faculty volunteers serving on the Project Syllabus team. We make no claim that any of these syllabi are perfect; they are made available here as quality examples of syllabi that have undergone revision through the peer review process. The "Best Practices" category contains exemplary portions (Calendars, Course objectives, etc.) of various syllabi on this site. If you would like to submit your syllabi for peer review and possible inclusion, please send an electronic copy or URL to Eleni Pinnow, Editor, Project Syllabus) for more information.
As a compilation of model syllabi, Project Syllabus utilizes a publication process similar to that of an academic journal. Upon receipt of a syllabus Editor sends the syllabus out to two reviewers. Using the empirically based rubric (provided below), each reviewer scores the rubric and sends the completed rubric, along with any feedback, to the Editor, who then sends the anonymously completed rubrics and feedback to the submitter. The most frequent outcome is to request that the submitter "revise and resubmit" based on the reviewers' completed rubrics and related feedback.
For useful tips on writing a syllabus, please view the Guidelines for Preparing Exemplary Syllabi.
When submitting a syllabus for posting in Project Syllabus, remember that all resources must be the original work of an author, must not contain any libelous or unlawful statements, and must not infringe on the rights of others. In addition, resources that might meet "fair use" guidelines in a single class cannot necessarily be posted on our website because of copyright restrictions on reposting without explicit permission from the copyright holder. This includes using material from textbook instructors' manuals, cartoons or other images seen on the Internet or in magazines, sections of the APA Publication Manual, etc.
As of March 2017, all syllabi will be reviewed using the revised rubric (PDF). Please note that syllabi must now be submitted as Word documents. This rubric was developed by a committee of project syllabus reviewers, based on the Rubric for Online Instruction developed by Chico State University ( as well as a variety of other sources (view list of references here).
Within each topic area, syllabi are ordered with the most recent addition first.
You may reproduce multiple copies of these syllabi for your own personal use, including use in your classes and/or sharing with individual colleagues as long as the author is given due credit as one would with any intellectual property. No other permission is implied or granted to print, copy, reproduce, or distribute additional copies of this material. Anyone who wishes to produce copies for purposes other than those specified above must obtain the permission of the authors.
Do you integrate technology into your psychology courses to assist students in understanding course concepts? We would like to recognize your efforts and facilitate the sharing of good ideas.
The Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology invites submissions of syllabi of traditional psychology courses (e.g., Introductory, Abnormal, and Statistics) that incorporate technology in an effort to improve student understanding of content.
How to Submit: Submit your syllabi for review by the Project Syllabus Team and add a request for a review specifically for technology content by sending an electronic copy or URL to Eleni Pinnow, Editor, Project Syllabus.