If you’re an STP member interested in becoming more involved in STP activities then you’ve come to the right place. STP is committed to providing opportunities to as many of its members as possible to participate in STP initiatives. Whenever there’s a vacancy on a committee, task force, or working group, this will be one of the places where the vacancy is announced. Vacancies will also be announced in the current issue of our online newsletter. If you have a specific interest or question about any of our initiatives, please visit the STP Leadership page for email addresses of our executive committee members, committee chairs, editors, directors, and coordinators. Even if there is no current vacancy, please contact one or more of these individuals to express your interest in getting involved.
If you are not a current member of STP, visit our Join page. We welcome anyone interested in the teaching of psychology.
Consistent with our Mission Statement and the Statement on Addressing Systemic Racism and Inequity in STP, we encourage applications from colleagues who are from underrepresented groups and have diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Current STP Service Opportunities
STP Presidential Task Forces and Working Group (Deadline: January 31, 2025)
Our 2025 STP Presidential theme is Stronger Together: Building a Community to Combat Teacher Burnout. To that end, we will be forming 3 task forces, briefly described below. In addition, we have one working group.
You might be asking: WHAT do I actually have to do? We would anticipate these groups meeting virtually once a month or so for 2025. Some task forces continue into the following year. Task forces write an end of year report to be shared with the EC.
WHAT are the outcomes? Presidential task forces often lead to presentations at ACT or APA, ToP articles, white papers, or even new awards or lines of funding for our members.
Combating Teacher Burnout Task Force (Deadline: January 31, 2025)
Supporting Research on Small Budgets Task Force (Deadline: January 31, 2025)
Using AI to Our Advantage Task Force (Deadline: January 31, 2025)
Developmental Content in Intro Psych Working Group (Deadline: January 31, 2025)
Service Opportunities in APA (STP is APA Division 2) and other organizations
Call for Nominations: APA Board of Educational Affairs (must be a member of APA)
The Board of Educational Affairs (BEA) is seeking qualified nominees to fill four vacancies for three-year terms (January 1, 2026 – December 31, 2028). The deadline for nominations is January 31, 2025, and all nominations must be submitted using the online form at https://nomination.apa.org/
The Board of Educational Affairs (BEA) is committed to the importance of diversity in education, training, and all its activities and initiatives. BEA has four major domains (or panels) of interest that include 1) the application of psychology to schools and education; 2) precollege and undergraduate education in psychology; 3) graduate and postdoctoral education in psychology and; 4) continuing education and life-long learning. Panel members will be assigned to the panel that best matches the specific BEA nomination slate from which they were elected.
Nominees are required to submit a recent CV and a statement of interest of no more than 500 words describing their expertise as it relates to their BEA panel of interest. Self-nominations are encouraged, and BEA encourages nominees of diverse backgrounds and nominees with a strong interest in racial equity to apply.
BEA welcomes candidates for the following targeted slates:
Slate 1: Application of Psychology to Schools and Education
This BEA panel focuses on issues, policies, and practices associated with children and adolescents’ learning, development, behavior, and well-being in Pk-12 schools. BEA is interested in nominees who have professional or scholarly expertise in any of the following: child development, academic learning, social emotional learning, assessment, school behavioral health, and/or behavior all in Pk-12 school contexts.
Slate 2: Precollege and Undergraduate Education in Psychology
This BEA panel works with the Office of Precollege and Undergraduate Education (PCUE), whose mission is to advance psychology in secondary schools, community colleges, and undergraduate programs by providing information, linkages, resources, funding, and professional development to faculty members, students, and the general public. BEA is interested in nominees who have a vested interest in, institutional assignment of, or appreciation for, one of the programs served by PCUE.
Slate 3: Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
This BEA panel focuses on the identification, development, and dissemination of high-quality continuing education and lifelong learning initiatives across the discipline of psychology and for the public. Valuing diverse interests and expertise in continuing education and lifelong learning, we seek candidates with strengths, interests, or knowledge of 1) regulatory matters or licensing boards; 2) evidence-based best-practices for continuing-education and lifelong learning; or 3) opportunities and challenges that generative AI presents in varied learning contexts, including adaptive learning models.
Slate 4: Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA) Representative
As required by the APA Association Rules, three members of BEA are elected from slates developed by the Board of Scientific Affairs, the Board of Professional Affairs, and the Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest, on an alternating basis. The slate for the 2026-2028 term will be developed by BSA, and nominations of individuals with expertise in all aspects of psychology as a science are encouraged.
All members elected to BEA must agree to serve the full three-year term (January 1, 2026-December 31, 2028) and attend up to bi-monthly virtual meetings via Zoom. There is one meeting each year in March that can be attended either in-person or via Zoom. Members are expected to review items and materials between scheduled meetings, volunteer for task forces, collaborative projects, and other opportunities, and serve as the BEA liaison to one or more APA governance groups.
Please note: The links below will redirect you to pages on other websites
Full list of Current Career Opportunities at APA
Learn how to nominate yourself or a colleague for a position in APA leadership.
Combating Teacher Burnout Task Force
This STP presidential task force will focus on tips, toolkit, recommendations to help faculty manage burnout.
Any questions, please contact your 2025 President, Stephanie Afful at safful@lindenwood.edu.
To apply, please complete this Google form. (STP login required.)
Deadline to apply: January 31, 2025
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Supporting Research on Small Budgets Task Force
This STP presidential task force will focus on ways to support faculty who engage in the high impact practice of mentoring undergraduate research but have little to no funds, such as compiling resources on collaboration sites, networking, grants, etc.
Any questions, please contact your 2025 President, Stephanie Afful at safful@lindenwood.edu.
To apply, please complete this Google form. (STP login required.)
Deadline to apply: January 31, 2025
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Using AI to Our Advantage Task Force
This STP presidential task force will focus on using AI to manage academic workflow. How can AI help faculty save time?
Any questions, please contact your 2025 President, Stephanie Afful at safful@lindenwood.edu.
To apply, please complete this Google form. (STP login required.)Deadline to apply: January 31, 2025
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Developmental Content in Intro Psych Working Group
This STP presidential working group will be reviewing developmental content in Intro Psychology courses/textbooks. For many of us teaching Intro Psych, we may not be trained in developmental. This working group will review current coverage and provide advice for teachers and textbook authors on what content should stay and what content should go.
Any questions, please contact your 2025 President, Stephanie Afful at safful@lindenwood.edu.
Deadline to apply: January 31, 2025