STP Early Career Travel Grant Program
STP is accepting applications for Early Career Travel Grants. Consistent with our Mission Statement and the Statement on Addressing Systemic Racism and Inequity in STP (located in the STP Policies and Procedures Manual), we encourage applications from colleagues who are from underrepresented groups and have diverse backgrounds and experiences.
This grant program provides funding to defray the costs of attending psychology teaching conferences or conferences with a significant teaching of psychology component. STP members who meet the criteria for Early Career Psychologist are encouraged to apply! We will fund approximately 10 grants, with a maximum award of $1000 per grant, for conference attendance between January 1st 2025 and December 31st of 2025.
There are two application deadlines. The first deadline was Friday, November 1st, 2024. The second deadline will be Thursday, May 1st, 2025. Applicants will be notified of award decisions within one month of each deadline.
Grant Criteria:
The average funding rate of applicants since tracking began in 2012 is 75%. The majority of funded applications have received full funding, but some applications have received partial funding.
All reimbursable travel expenses must comply with STP's Travel Reimbursement Guidelines.
For further instructions on how to apply, click here (requires login). For any questions, please email
Additional policies regarding STP grant programs.
Tom Hutcheon (Chair), Bard College
Holleen Krogh, Mississippi University for Women
Albee Mendoza, Delaware State University
Kara Sage, Capella University
Vanessa Woods, UC Santa Barbara