Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association

Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching: 2000-2001 Volume 1

[EEIT 2000-01 Cover Page]

Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching:

Volume 1

A collection of monthly essays
originally published on the
PsychTeacher™ Electronic Discussion List

Edited by

William Buskist
Auburn University

Vincent W. Hevern
Le Moyne College

G. William Hill, IV
Kennesaw State University

Society for the Teaching of Psychology


The Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP, Division 2 of the American Psychological Association) launched its Internet-based electronic discussion list, PsychTeacher™ in late 1998. Since February of 2000, a regular feature of this list has been a monthly column called "E-xcellence in Teaching." The column features monthly essays on high school, college, and university teaching in general and on the teaching of psychology in particular. The essays take the form of lessons learned, advice and hints on particular aspects of teaching, lore regarding teaching, book reviews, and reflections on our roles as teachers of psychology. In general, though, the primary focus of the column is to provide a forum for discussing and promoting effective teaching.

This book, STP's second Web publication, represents the compilation of the first 20 E-xcellence in Teaching essays (February 2000 through December 2001). Future volumes of this book will be published electronically in the spring of each year and will contain the previous year's essays.

ISBN: 978-1-941804-01-8

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Table of Contents

Bill Buskist (Auburn University/Appalachian State University)
Vincent Hevern (Le Moyne College)
Bill Hill (Kennesaw State University)
1. Reflections on Teaching (Feb 2000)
Charles L. Brewer, Furman University
2. Teaching with Style ­ Your Style (Mar 2000)
Stephen F. Davis, Emporia State University
3. Teaching about Teaching (Apr 2000)
James H. Korn, Saint Louis University
4. When Students Teach Students: A Graduate Student's Perspective (May 2000)
Patti Price, University of North Texas
5. The Teacher's Good Judgment (Aug 2000)
Harold L. Miller, Jr., Brigham Young University
6. Courses on Careers for Psychology Major (Sep 2000)
Margaret A. Lloyd, Georgia Southern University
7. Should It Matter Who the Teacher Is? A Review of Parker Palmer's The Courage to Teach (Oct 2000)
Neil Lutsky, Carleton College
8. Academic Partnerships: Old Friends and New Beginnings (Nov 2000)
Virginia Andreoli Mathie, James Madison University
9. The Importance of Communication Among High School Psychology Educators (Dec 2000)
Kristin Habashi Whitlock, Viewmont High School, Bountiful, UT
10. What We Need to Know About Teaching and Teachers (Jan 2001)
Baron Perlman and Lee I. McCann, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
11. A Course, A Course, My Kingdom for a Course (Feb 2001)
Nicholas F. Skinner, King's College, The University of Western Ontario
12. Psychology Teachers Shaping Psychology (Mar 2001)
Harold Moon, Augusta State University
13. Fighting the Surf: Lessons Learned in My First Year of College Teaching (Apr 2001)
Kayce L. Meginnis-Payne, Peace College
14. On The Occasion of My Retirement [Special Invited Essay] (Apr 2001)
Stephen F. Davis, Emporia State University
15. Reflections on Teaching and Scholarship (May 2001)
Janet F. Carlson, State University of New York at Oswego
16. Building A Strong Undergraduate Program in Psychology: Nurturing Community (Aug 2001)
Maureen A. McCarthy, Austin Peay State University
17. Psi Chi and Teaching with Our Mouths Shut (Sep 2001)
Peter J. Giordano, Belmont University
18. Reflections on the First Month: Struggles of a Brand New Faculty Member (Oct 2001)
Erin B. Rasmussen, College of Charleston
19. What I Have Learned Teaching Teaching of Psychology (Nov 2001)
Paul A. Fox, Appalachian State University
20. Taking Risks as a Teacher (Dec 2001)
David S. Kreiner, Central Missouri State University
Biographical Notes on Individual Contributors and Editors


Feedback regarding the editorial content of this book or any of its essays should be directed toward the individual authors or the book's editors, Bill Buskist, Vinny Hevern, and Bill Hill. They (authors and editors) are solely responsible for the substance of the text.

Feedback regarding technical matters of formatting or accessibility of this text via the online environment of the Internet should be directed to the Internet Editor of STP. If you have any complaints or difficulties in accessing these materials, be sure to provide as detailed a description of your problem(s) as you can; you should include information about the browser you are using (e.g., Internet Explorer) and its version number as well as the type of computer you are using and its operating system (e.g., Mac PowerBook 4 running MacOS 9.2). Publication of Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching: 2000-2001 electronically is another experimental initiative by STP and we seek to receive feedback, both positive and negative, in order to evaluate the effort. We will endeavor to respond to any complaints within a reasonable period of time but can not promise that all complaints or difficulties can always be successfully resolved.

Acknowledgment and Thanks

Both the editors and STP would like to express our appreciation to the authors of these essays for the time and effort they diverted away from other professional obligations and family life to contribute to the burgeoning literature on the "scholarship of teaching and pedagogy." Their work represents no small contribution to this literature and to STP. We also thank members of the Society's leadership over the past three years for their complete and total support for the idea of an electronic column dedicated solely to teaching. In particular, we thank Jane Halonen (James Madison University) for her insightful ideas that helped shape the column in its early stages. It is to her that we dedicate this book.

Copyright Policy

Copyright in this web site generally is owned by APA Division 2, Society for the Teaching of Psychology. However, copyright in individual articles and similar items are generally owned by the author(s), except as otherwise noted. You may review the materials in this site for information purposes and may download and print ONE copy of the materials for your own personal use, including use in your classes and/or sharing with individual colleagues. For research and archival purposes, public libraries and libraries at schools, colleges, universities and similar educational institutions may print and store in their research or lending collections multiple copies of this compendium as a whole without seeking further permission of STP (the editors would appreciate receiving a pro forma notice of any such library use). No other permission is granted to you to print, copy, reproduce, or distribute additional copies of these materials. Anyone who wishes to print, copy, reproduce or distribute additional copies must obtain the permission of the copyright owner. Particular care to obtain the copyright owners' permission should be taken by anyone who intends to use this book or its chapters in any commercial enterprise or "for profit" educational purposes.

We note specifically that copyright for the individual essays found in the book, Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching, 2000-2001, is owned by the author(s) of that chapter rather than by APA Division 2, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (though STP holds copyright for this particular compendium as a whole). Distribution of the copyrighted materials of Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching, 2000-2001 at this website is by a non-exclusive license to STP granted by their respective owners. Under provisions of this license, these materials will be available at this site at least until 2006.

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