Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association

Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching: 2003 Volume 3

[EEIT 2003 Cover Page]

Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching:

Volume 3

A collection of monthly essays
originally published on the
PsychTeacher ™ Electronic Discussion List

Edited by

William Buskist
Auburn University

Vincent W. Hevern
Le Moyne College

Bryan K. Saville *
Stephen F. Austin State University
& James Madison University

Tracy Zinn *
Stephen F. Austin State University
& James Madison University

Society for the Teaching of Psychology

* Bryan Saville and Tracy Zinn were at Stephen F. Austin
State University when they edited Vol. 3. Both are now
at James Madison University.


This book is STP's fourth Web publication and represents the compilation of the twelve E-xcellence in Teaching essays (include two with extended commentaries and reply) which appeared on the PsychTeacher™ electronic discussion list between January and December, 2003.

ISBN: 978-1-941804-03-2  

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Table of Contents

Bill Buskist (Auburn University)
Vincent Hevern (Le Moyne College)
Bryan K. Saville (Stephen F. Austin State University)
Tracy Zinn (Stephen F. Austin State University)
1. The Role of the Chair in Providing Administrative Support
and Development of Faculty Teaching
(January 2003)
Valerie Whittlesey, Kennesaw State University

With Replies:

The Chair's Role in Hiring Good Teachers
Lewis Barker, Auburn University
The Role of the Chair: Enhancing College Teaching Through Selection,
Matching, and Replacement
Stephen H. Hobbs, Augusta State University
A Reaction to "The Role of the Chair in Providing Administrative Support
and Development of Faculty Teaching"
Marcia J. Rossi, Tuskegee University
Maintaining an Environment Supportive of Quality Teaching: The Chair's Role
Ken Weaver, Emporia State University
A Reaction to "The Role of the Chair in Providing Administrative
Support and Development of Faculty Teaching"
David J. Pittenger, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Comments on "The Role of the Chair in Providing Administrative Support
and Development of Faculty Teaching"
W. Harold Moon, Augusta State University
Collaborative Research as Teaching
Stan Aeschleman, Appalachian State University
Risking Failure for the Sake of Good Teaching: Comments on
Whittlesey's "The Role of the Chair in Providing Administrative Support
and Development of Faculty Teaching"
Robert W. Hendersen, Grand Valley State University
Challenges of Department Chairs
Tina Vazin, Alabama State University
The Role of the Chair in Providing Administrative Support and Development of
Faculty Teaching: Leadership At Its Best
Valerie Whittlesey, Kennesaw State University

2. Looking Back: Perspectives on a Graduate Seminar in the Teaching of Psychology (February 2003)
Andrew N. Christopher, Albion College
3. Universities, Psychology Departments, and the Treatment of Graduate Students (March 2003)
William Douglas Woody, University of Northern Colorado
4. Thinking About Positive Psychology (April 2003)
Randy Ernst, Lincoln Public Schools, Lincoln, Nebraska
Amy C. Fineburg, Homewood High School, Birmingham, Alabama
5. Teaching Psychology at the Community College (May 2003)
Jerry Rudmann, Irvine Valley College
6. The Never Ending Story: Renewing One's Teaching and Professional Life (June 2003)
Bill Hill, Kennesaw State University
7. Writing a Philosophy of Teaching (July 2003)
James H. Korn, Saint Louis University
8. The Case for Requiring a "Careers" Course for Psychology Majors (August 2003)
Margaret A. Lloyd, Georgia Southern University

With Replies:

The Rationale for "Truth in Advertising" for Psychology Majors
R. Eric Landrum, Boise State University
Determining Career-Course Level and Why the Course Should be Required
Lauren F. V. Scharff, Stephen F. Austin State University
The Timing of a Careers Course in Psychology
Erin B. Rasmussen, College of Charleston
A Reply to Landrum, Scharff, and Rasmussen
Margaret A. Lloyd, Georgia State University

9. A Parting Shot: Who was Richter H. Moore, Jr.? (September 2003)
William Buskist, Auburn University
10. Involving Undergraduates in Individual Research Activities:
A Classroom Without Walls
(October 2003)
Pamela E. Scott-Johnson and Earl D. Walker, Morgan State University
11. Enhanced Feedback Using Computer-Aided Personalized System of Instruction (November 2003)
Joseph J. Pear, University of Manitoba
12. Walking the Fine Line: The Opposing Forces of Professional and
Personal Relationships
(December 2003)
Jeff Norby, Hudson High School, Hudson, Wisconsin
Biographical Notes on Individual Contributors and Editors


Feedback regarding the editorial content of this book or any of its essays should be directed toward the individual authors or the book's editors, Bill Buskist, Vincent W. Hevern, Bryan K. Saville, and Tracy Zinn. They (authors and editors) are solely responsible for the substance of the text.

Feedback regarding technical matters of formatting or accessibility of this text via the online environment of the Internet should be directed to the Internet Editor of STP. If you have any complaints or difficulties in accessing these materials, be sure to provide as detailed a description of your problem(s) as you can; you should include information about the browser you are using (e.g., Internet Explorer) and its version number as well as the type of computer you are using and its operating system (e.g., Mac PowerBook 4 running MacOS 9.2). Publication of Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching: 2003 electronically is an experimental initiative by STP and we seek to receive feedback, both positive and negative, in order to evaluate the effort. We will endeavor to respond to any complaints within a reasonable period of time but can not promise that all complaints or difficulties can always be successfully resolved.

Acknowledgment and Thanks

We dedicated Volume I to Jane Halonen (University of West Florida) for the role she played in helping establish E-xcellence in Teaching. We dedicated Volume II to Randy Smith (Kennesaw State University), for his consistent and unwavering championing of the scholarship of teaching in his role as editor of STP's journal, Teaching of Psychology. As the outgoing editor of E-xcellence in Teaching, Bill Buskist wishes to dedicate Volume III to Bill Hill and Vinny Hevern, both of whom have played and continue to play pivotal roles in the creation, development, and continued success of E-xcellence in Teaching.

Copyright Policy

Copyright in this web site generally is owned by APA Division 2, Society for the Teaching of Psychology. However, copyright in individual articles and similar items are generally owned by the author(s), except as otherwise noted. You may review the materials in this site for information purposes and may download and print ONE copy of the materials for your own personal use, including use in your classes and/or sharing with individual colleagues. For research and archival purposes, public libraries and libraries at schools, colleges, universities and similar educational institutions may print and store in their research or lending collections multiple copies of this compendium as a whole without seeking further permission of STP (the editors would appreciate receiving a pro forma notice of any such library use). No other permission is granted to you to print, copy, reproduce, or distribute additional copies of these materials. Anyone who wishes to print, copy, reproduce or distribute additional copies must obtain the permission of the copyright owner. Particular care to obtain the copyright owners' permission should be taken by anyone who intends to use this book or its chapters in any commercial enterprise or "for profit" educational purposes.

We note specifically that copyright for the individual essays found in the book, Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching, 2003, is owned by the author(s) of that chapter rather than by APA Division 2, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (though STP holds copyright for this particular compendium as a whole). Distribution of the copyrighted materials of Essays from E-xcellence in Teaching, 2003 at this website is by a non-exclusive license to STP granted by their respective owners. Under provisions of this license, these materials will be available at this site at least until 2008.

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