Join Us Online at the 91st Annual Meeting Celebrating 125 years of the Eastern Psychological Association!

11 May 2020 3:39 PM | Anonymous

By Paul Schnur, EPA Executive Officer, Jef Lamoureaux, EPA Program Director, Amy Learmonth, EPA President, and the EPA Board of Directors

This year’s scheduled meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association and the celebration of EPA’s 125 year history could not go on as scheduled in Boston in March.  Although we were disappointed to have to cancel our meeting, we would like to invite everyone to attend our meeting in cyberspace. The EPA Board of Directors is pleased to announce the dates of the EPA 2020 Virtual Meeting as June 17-18, 2020. The meeting will be accessible from our website:

The meeting will be very similar, in terms of content and organization, to the March 12-14 meeting that was canceled due to COVID-19. You will even have an opportunity to ask questions during the virtual meeting via live chat.  In addition, following the virtual meeting, you will be able to access the meeting On-Demand for 90 days.  That means you will not have to choose among presentations that occur at the same time, as you would at a physical conference.  You may attend any presentation you missed virtually by attending On-Demand at your leisure.   

Our exhibitors also will be present virtually and On-Demand.  Have a question about a book title, professional service, or graduate program?  You can ask our exhibitors during the virtual conference ‘live chat’ or by leaving your questions and your contact information for follow-up.  

Finally, the virtual meeting will enable more attendees from around the country and world to attend, including those who have traditionally found it challenging to participate in the meeting. If you have already paid your membership for this year, you will have access to the virtual meeting. If you were not planning to attend the Boston meeting, but would like to attend the virtual conference, all you need to do is join or renew your EPA membership. As always, there is no additional fee for the conference.

Although we are not accepting new submissions for this year’s conference, we have a fabulous program ready to go, and we welcome you to attend the conference as 2020 members or associates. We are excited to offer you this opportunity to participate in EPA’s 2020 conference. We hope you share our excitement, and we look forward to seeing you online.  Please mark your calendars.

Bio: Eastern Psychological Association (EPA) was founded in 1896 and is the oldest of the regional Psychological Associations in the United States. Its sole purpose is to advance the science and profession through the dissemination of professional information about the field of Psychology. EPA achieves this goal by conducting its annual meeting where the members of EPA present the latest advances in professional and scientific work to their colleagues. EPA welcomes psychologists from all fields across the discipline.